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10236 - UCS: Ewok Village


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43 minutes ago, wotguvnotmeguv said:

Employee at my local Smyths tells me they gave a "staggering" (his word) number of these. Says it's been overlooked, overstocked, and people aren't biting at RRP.

Teasingly, he said: "If you want one, I'd come back in January."



I was told about 3 weeks ago by a manager checking warehouse stock that they have 1200

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11 minutes ago, GhostDad said:

One thing I've noticed on this site generally is Europeans are much gloomier than Americans and Canadians.  It's interesting.

In Europe we keep getting bombarded with bad news:

- Brexit will eventually destroy the Euro/EU.

- Syrian and African refugees cause nationalistic parties to gain power where destroying the EU is on their agendas. 

- Greek economic crisis will return and Grexit will destroy the Euro/EU.

- Italian huge balance deficit will eventually destroy the Euro/EU.

-.... etc.... 

When consumers feel uncertain they spend less money on trivial good (like toys and vanity possessions). Which we do see happen here in Europe.

So yeah, that means EV and SC don't sell out here in Europe, unlike in the USA. It also means there are people like Val-E and TabbyBoy are pessimistic and spread their gloomy outlook here. :P 

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Guest TabbyBoy
4 minutes ago, Haay said:

In Europe we keep getting bombarded with bad news:

- Brexit will eventually destroy the Euro/EU.

- Syrian and African refugees cause nationalistic parties to gain power where destroying the EU is on their agendas. 

- Greek economic crisis will return and Grexit will destroy the Euro/EU.

- Italian huge balance deficit will eventually destroy the Euro/EU.

-.... etc.... 

When consumers feel uncertain they spend less money on trivial good (like toys and vanity possessions). Which we do see happen here in Europe.

So yeah, that means EV and SC don't sell out here in Europe, unlike in the USA. It also means there are people like Val-E and TabbyBoy are pessimistic and spread their gloomy outlook here. :P 


I, for one, believe that Brexit will make Britain great again and I've got a lot of faith and pride in our country's future success. The EU will probably cease to exist if the rumours about France, Spain, Greece & Denmark exiting are true.

Economic uncertainty and expensive toys can't be the cause as people were still lapping up the 10179 when I saw it on sale back in 2007/8. Honestly, the EV and SC don't sell well simply because one is a "stinking turd with little plastic teddy bears" and the other is a remake inferior to the first. It's not a totally gloomy outlook for all, it's only for those that fail to accept change and don't accept the new marketplace. As I keep saying, I've had a very good few weeks and made some good money. If you can't cope will QFLLs then sell elsewhere, it ain't rocket science.

However, us Brits do have a good sense of humour ;-)

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It's funny because I can't help but think that if MPs had stopped thinking of UKIP and Farage as nothing more than 'blah blah beer' they wouldn't be in this clueless pickle. Farage may be controversial but he's better in tune to the publics views than any other British politician. We're in a new era now, one where the growing right are standing toe to toe with the left and winning. It started with Farage, now Trump, next will be Le Pen and others will follow. 

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1 hour ago, GhostDad said:

Props for your first paragraph.  Couldn't agree more.  Open borders doomed the EU.  There was never a reason for the "let in everyone from everywhere, even terrorists" policy, and the voting public don't want that forced on them.  My advice to citizens of the EU: Close your external borders and buy more Lego.  Problem solved.


The EU doesn't have an open borders policy where they 'let everyone in from everywhere'. There is freedom of movement within the EU for EU citizens.

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Maybe a site ban on politics is in order. I like to come in to BP to get away from all that and I generally don't get involved in political chat on here. But if I see someone posting crap about immigrant terrorists, I'm going to pull  them on it.

Brexit comes up because of the pound and other economic factors, but people people posting stuff about 'making countries great again' and immigration really isn't necessary.

Edited by tractorboy
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2 minutes ago, tractorboy said:

Maybe a site ban on politics is in order. I like to come in to BP to get away from all that and I generally don't get involved in political chat on here. But if I see someone posting crap about immigrant terrorists, I'm going to pull  them on it.

Brexit comes up because of the pound and other economic factors, but people people posting stuff about 'making countries great again' and immigration really isn't necessary.

Do you really think that multiple posts are somehow going to create less responses?

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15 hours ago, tractorboy said:
Maybe a site ban on politics is in order. I like to come in to BP to get away from all that and I generally don't get involved in political chat on here. But if I see someone posting crap about immigrant terrorists, I'm going to pull  them on it.
Brexit comes up because of the pound and other economic factors, but people people posting stuff about 'making countries great again' and immigration really isn't necessary.


I don't think a site ban works... sometimes politics does become part of the equation and sometimes *gasp* people even have mature discussions.

My comment was simply an initial attempt at being polite and asking you guys to be mature and tone it down. Truthfully your responses only fuel the fire here... which I can appreciate we sometimes feel.

So once again, let's just keep it civil and try to stay on topic. If you really want to discuss Brexit and the impact on LEGO there was a thread somewhere for it.

If you want to discuss terrorism, piles of poo, and random conspiracy theories please go do it on Facebook with all the other of the world.


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Guest TabbyBoy

Chill... It's just banter and it just means that we just get to know each other better. As long as it's not a personal dig at someone as per a certain German member, don't worry about it. I'm also guilty but, I do try to redeem an off-topic post like the straight-up info below:

I've just heard something absolutely hilarious....

My cousin's 12yr old boy wants an Ewank Village for Christmas! Does anybody know of a good child psychologist in the UK that could help him?

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Chill... It's just banter and it just means that we just get to know each other better. As long as it's not a personal dig at someone as per a certain German member, don't worry about it. I'm also guilty but, I do try to redeem an off-topic post like the straight-up info below:
I've just heard something absolutely hilarious....
My cousin's 12yr old boy wants an Ewank Village for Christmas! Does anybody know of a good child psychologist in the UK that could help him?

You're 100% right about getting to know people better and I enjoy that too (even though some of you are crazy /kidding, sort of :)).

But when discussions start to go overly sideways that's a concern.

No matter how good the ewank is, someone will get their undies in a bunch.
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Just wanted to share that I'm an overly optimistic European and also like to steer away from all these senseless political discussions. Some people think countries should be great by their selves again, while others believe already great countries should help the rest of the world. Best to share these opinions on other forums, because nobody gets persuaded by the other side anyhow. There are many "normals" these days and nobody wants to acknowledge they might be crazy.

I like to tell you, I probably am crazy.. Instead of doing something about stuff I can actually influence, like getting rid of a lot of clutter I own or fixing a weird sound on my bike, I worry about things I have a tiny say in. C.R.A.Z.Y.

Back on topic: :)

I personally have high hopes for this set as a lot of people tend to think it is a TURD. Historically, a set does not have to sell well or look promising to become an investment star. Just look at the Lego movie ship. I think EV has the same potential, especially since Tabby seems to hate it, instantly getting rid of 50% of the competition :D

@Tabby: The boy that wants an Ewok VIllage does not need counselling. Give him some investment budget and he will make millions. He's a visionary genius:D


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