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  1. Yesterday
  2. We only get 1 Arch set a year and last year they expanded the options with Notre Dame PPP 5.2 and now this year we get a remake at 8.5. I would have rather seen a larger original new set like the Sphinx.
  3. And sales of the old one werent so good according to best seller rank.
  4. IMHO, it's kinda lame for them to redo a set like this. There's a whole world out there. Redoing, xwings and falcons makes sense, but this feels super uninspired
  5. Last week
  6. Yes, all the time. Not sure why you wouldn't.
  7. Yes, I always use it when I hit about 1k lots.
  8. Anyone ever use that “notify members” thing about newly uploaded products on bricklink? I never have in the past, but having that number show on the upper right corner is really starting to bug me.
  9. One more finished today.
  10. Me 2.
  11. It's like a zen garden where the zen activity is brushing the dust off it with a makeup brush.
  12. Then RIP my account.
  13. Its actually a sophisticated trap. The bots figure whoever strongly disagrees probably has potential issues and they audit from those responses
  14. Look at Amazon seller central's poll of the day. Kind of weird question to ask without frequent complaints from sellers
  15. Never mind. I guess it's an upcoming set: 21062 Trevi Fountain
  16. Instagram is owned by Elon's protege, so they're running out of platforms to boycott.
  17. Talk about “insider trading” Lego themselves bought 50 Goats to use as giveaways with their influencers to launch their new Instagram content. FYI Lego no longer posts content to “X” Twitter because of philosophical differences but does reply at times. https://www.instagram.com/legobuilds/
  18. Tranquil Garden, meh, the hook with this set is that you can rearrange the plants, wow? This was an open box return and even if you pick one up for the 20% off permasale it still seems overpriced at $87. Build: 6 Play: 4 Display: 7 Value: 3 Now back to the Botanical Garden enhancements.
  19. We can all cash in and retire now right?
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