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  1. Today
  2. Haven’t built yet but love the set one of the best super cars
  3. Yesterday
  4. I didn’t really notice it but that is the second time I saw someone point this out. I just tried a quick fix 4 of these in trans clear placed on the 4 inner studs of the top side of the dome. It elevates the lid a little but it won’t fall off. https://www.bricklink.com/v2/catalog/catalogitem.page?P=85861&idColor=88#T=S&C=12&O={"color":12,"ss":"US","rpp":"100","iconly":0}
  5. Yeah, I watched this about an hour ago. I couldn't stand his earlier stuff, mostly because of the "Arm-sweep" video that he did years ago but he has matured and I have started watching his channel fairly regularly. I believe that Ryan covered the Bakery set as well. BTW, I found that he was spot-on with his assessment of the final top piece. It's a shame that the final piece kinda sours what is otherwise a great build. Did you find it irritating on your build?
  6. I thought you were referring to the Batpod lol. If you meant the Insider Reward "Micro Rail Command Centre", it makes sense that it's dropping on 24' BF. Given the new Insider section "Space", recent classic Space GWP releases, and the nod to classic Space in the mainline, it's happening sooner than later. I believe this was the year of Space and next year they're switching gears to F1 with a classic Octane & Ferrari vibe for City.
  7. I want say about $165. Sold mine for $158
  8. I just sold mine for $100. How high did they go for.
  9. Those are the sets that actually end up doing well: Palpatines Arrest, Cloud City 2, BoH and so on. BN and Amz don’t seem to have perma stock, Target is out and Walmart just got it back but limit 1. I am probably going to get the P1 on day 1, the Space Babies and another Micro Ninjago pushed me over, but won’t be up at Midnight or whenever the website begins to work those days are long over for me. So hopefully the P1 GWP is still available in the morning. I still haven’t picked up the Ferrari and was thinking it was a $100-150 coupon but the 5X VIP makes sense as to why I didn’t get it. Have you built it yet? I think it was Houses of the World 4 Asian themed that was a short run and never returned yet but maybe the Flower Shop as well.
  10. Quadruple Consolidated Feedback : ) thanks pirate pseudoty captain for all your comments ! I've given it a few days to think about ok here is where I am at: - 8-1 Buying the McLaren P1 with the McLaren GWP and the Space GWP (thanks Pseudoty for the info). Online + Cash Back whatever I can get. Plus Redeeming another Ninjago City insider set. I hope the GWP is very rare and sells out quickly and doesn't come back like other recent ones lol. That said, it is just for my personal collection, so it's fine whatever happens. - Captain Obvious is right, I was tempted to buy two copies of the Ferrari limited edition number book and decided I should just do one. Everyone that was more than one was cancelled, I got mine and still have it shrink-wrapped new and on the shelf. I did not buy the Ferrari at that time. Pseudoty is right I think it had 5x vip on Thanksgiving Weekend or something and that is when I got the set. I'd wait on the McLaren for a similar deal but they tied the GWP to it this time so I'll go ahead - I think I'm going to skip the Lego Cantina for now. I have one as already boxed and wanted one to keep boxed and build another one. But seems like everyone is not thrilled with the Cantina. I still think everyone being against it might make it a winner. Will watch for it on sale and may or may not get another by end of year - In other news Arcade1up has a new Golden Tee XL with boe monitor and 12 midway games. It looks intriguing. It is at Costco only and coming into stock. I've always wanted a good defender arcade. Everyone is saying it doesn't look good and they think the midway games won't work well but I think the defender will work fine from what I have seen. No its not original controls but neither is defender on any mortal kombat arcade1up from what I can tell and the original defender cabs (arcade) or arcade1up are way to few and expensive. its 599. - In other news TOMY has a Star Trek Motion Picture die cast coming out starting next week crowd funder for $699 + $50 shipping. It looks great and has an iridescence type paint effect or so they say. The original TOS one I didn't buy due to buying lego lol has seemingly tripled in value. I hope to get one for personal. They are advertising it much more heavily than the first so I would imagine the market would flood on resale as a guesstimate. I love it. not sure I can afford it right now : ) - Last note it's crazy the candy store is still hanging in there. I haven't gotten one yet and may wait and get off ebay some day. strange they have tons of these but I think the last one that I didn't get sold out fairly quickly or the one before that and hasn't been back a 2nd time yet (I'm not sure the details on that) this one just seems different and tons of them
  11. Last week
  12. Clicker is reporting Space Babies is coming back 8/1 $200 buy in.
  13. I finally completed the Micro Ninjago sets I think Gardens looks the best and it has some weight to it. The “limited” supply on these seems endless since City is still in stock and the market is flooded with them. It is easy to pickup another set of 4 but that requires 4 more orders in 60 days. As far as the Mimic that is just wrong and Lego really should send them out to anyone that bought the D&D set on day 1 and did not receive the GWP.
  14. I know that's what it says, but I don't know if I've ever seen it in the middle of the day during the week and it's also past 7pm.
  15. Said it was planned maintenance from 12-7 ET today.
  16. Got the ol Storm Trooper maintenance man message but middle of the day on Tuesday seems really odd. Anyone have any insight? Seems delayed to be a result of the crash last week but you never know.
  17. Yes, that's correct. People who attempted to buy two copies had their entire orders canceled, while those who purchased just one saw their orders successfully processed. I sold my copy too quickly and made a small profit of $100, but the price later soared to over $300 for three months. Porsche collectors are equally enthusiastic, though they typically have smaller budgets. I'll consider buying the book if fewer than 5,000 copies are produced.
  18. Went ahead and ordered 2 complete sets and shared the link with some friends to do the same. Had a perfect experience last time and see no reason not to buy again. Thanks @Tonka858!
  19. Will be the same as the last releases, We expect scanning will work, Which will speed up shipping, Thanks!
  20. I just went ahead and ordered a set that I want to go with the D&D set. I have never ordered from them before but their rep is good and the price is $6 less than the best I see on Ebay plus free shipping. Now in comes the extra 10% off code for BPers 🤣
  21. I read this last night before bed and it gave me a headache 🤣 I remember posting a rant and in it I said the Cantina should have been a great investment but Lego killed that off but I can’t remember why now. I don’t get this GWP at first I thought it was a stand for the car and that it would auto rotate which would be amazing but it does neither afaik. Is it just a must have for McLaren fans and the hope is it will truly be limited? When the Ferrari came out was it $450 and what was the GWP, the book you had to buy separately IIRC, and did it sell out day 1? I would think Ferrari has a lot more demand than the McLaren but also know there are people that just get all of these cars regardless of brand. Oh, and wasn’t the Ferrari one of the coupon sets last BF or CM and how much off was it if you recall. Tell me more and I may have another option for you. ETA: found it “There are too many good expensive sets coming out every 1/4 that people can’t keep up. The market is flooded like Beanie Babies. Cantina which should have been a slam dunk winner with all of the exclusive minifigures will be a kiss of death set for many” I would avoid the Cantina (says the guy that has 8K worth of Blacksmith sitting on a shelf) at $400 because how many buyers will there be at your sales point. When it goes OOS on amazon like it is now it only goes up 10% with only 11 sellers, not a good sign. If we see a 40% off deal with GWP & CB like we had with the UCS gunship then I would say go for it but not at the new inflated MSRP.
  22. I disagree the cantina will be around past retirement, it’s rarely available msrp on Amazon unless they decide to horde it suddenly, but if you are a newbie investor you are probably better off in sets with lower to mid msrp.
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