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  1. Exactly 100%! Plus phantom stock, imagine going in deep on Blacksmith and BookShop. 🤦🏻‍♂️ That is why many of these fools have pivoted to YouTube to make their 5% by trying to pump up a dead market with fake stats or focusing on the 5 sets that have been winners in the past 2 years. There are too many good expensive sets coming out every 1/4 that people can’t keep up. The market is flooded like Beanie Babies. Cantina which should have been a slam dunk winner with all of the exclusive minifigures will be a kiss of death set for many. That is also why this place is dead AF everyone who was just in it for the money has left for greener pastures. F Lego and F the bubble thread I’m going swimming 😝
    14 points
  2. Hey Brick Pickers! We are at it again with Dungeons and Dragons. 12% off code is "D&DPicker" Set (after discount) = $58.95 Box (after discount) = $156.64 We always offer FREE Shipping on orders over $75. If you have subscribed to our emails, you should have received this update, but I want to reiterate here for anyone else. We are now working more directly with The LEGO Group as an authorized reseller. That means that unfortunately we are no longer able to offer international shipping. We really hate to lose all our international community, but this was a necessary change. There are so many fake and knockoff LEGO products circulating these days and this should ultimately aid in reducing the flow of these products. As for lead times, now that we are sourcing in the US, all orders will ship to you on the official release date. That means you should have them within days of release (early September) rather than the usual weeks later (late September). We are really excited to be able to offer that as well as more official backing from US LEGO. Please feel free to reach out with any further questions. As always, happy building! Jon
    10 points
  3. As I mentioned in the past, Shane likes to troll YouTube and Instagram so he can copy business. Before my YT channel was rebranded to Brick Bucks, it was called FBAA Millionaire. I purposely made the channel hard to find and I would have people occasionally reach out to me and ask me questions about reselling. When I moved from Ohio to Kentucky I stopped making videos but I was still encouraged to continue making more. Around 2018 Shane reached out to me and we chatted and exchanged information from time to time. I had open heart surgery on March 16, 2020, the day when everything shut down because of Covid. I had a lot of complications from my surgery so I couldn’t work for a year. Because I had a lot of time on my hands, I was diving deep into LEGO ROI spreedsheets and sent a few to Shane. He asked if we could be business partners and relaunch my YT channel. He was not the first one who asked me to be partners but because he worked at Microsoft and he said that he knew how to do everything, I thought it would be a good fit. Not long after he would say things like. “I was researching how to do X” or “We need to purchase something from Income School to do Y.” I thought to myself, you had told me that you already knew how to do this. SMH. It’s interesting when I hear you say, “It's been quite a show watching the market fall apart and a few choice people really working hard to prop it up.” At this moment I’m quite happy with what is going on with LEGO reselling. Many fly by night resellers are exiting the space and I couldn’t be happier! I think the future is very bright for LEGO reselling but that doesn’t mean that you can just keep doing what you’ve been doing for the last ten years. When it comes to getting top dollar reselling LEGO sets, I believe Q3 is the new Q4. The problem is Q3 doesn’t have as much sales velocity as Q4 so you need to adjust for that. The name of the game now is exclusive sets. There are some top picks that don’t involve exclusive sets but excuse the expression, you have to know what you’re doing. The zombie sets are one of the biggest threats to LEGO resellers and I’m certain LEGO knows that now. You need to account for that as well. The days of buying a bunch of Batcave 6860 and hoping for the best 18 months after it retires just doesn’t cut it anymore. As for the second part of your post, again, he had only recorded three videos himself. There were well over 100 videos of me, and I knew I could start a new channel relatively easily. My main goal out of all of this was to just get away from him as quickly as possible and I wasn’t too concerned with receiving my fair share of the company. You think he’s annoying from a distance, try dealing with him on a daily basis. LOL. The choice was either to buy him out or dissolve the company, and then both of us restart from scratch. After we couldn't reach a deal during a video chat, we agreed to dissolve the company and talk more in detail about the next day because it was getting pretty late. The next morning, I woke up to a very lengthy message from him explaining why I should buy the company. I laughed because he was clearly more interested in selling Brick Bucks than I was in buying it. If I recall, I may have offered him $20k, and he said no. Again, he's no business genius. That email I attached makes him sound like he knows what he’s talking about, but when you google ‘How to sell a business,’ he pretty much paraphrased the content in the first search result. I told him that everything he contributed to the ‘business’ I could have easily received from UpWork or Fiverr at the time. There was nothing special about what he was doing. Yes, he worked for Microsoft, but he only worked in ad sales placement at the time. Nothing more. Anybody could do what he did on YouTube, and plenty of people are now. I’d be surprised if he was still buying LEGO in somewhat large quantities. He had that warehouse for his book business, but I think that might be gone now. He hated dealing with his book business, by the way. In the past, he presented it as some great thing on his YouTube channel, but he would always ***** to me about it. Lol. I saw on one video a while back that he mentioned he was sending Speed Champions to FBA. That’s a big pivot from his original business model if that’s the case. He would often reference the California gold rush business model, why spend time mining for gold when you can just sell the picks and other equipment. Also, if Shane is some LEGO investing genius, why isn’t he buying LEGO at a significant discount from that place overseas that everybody with $100k is now doing? Again, I’d be surprised if he was still buying much LEGO. In the past, his wife commented on a YouTube short saying that they would never show Shane’s inventory after a bunch of commenters kept pressing them to do so. I would’ve shared that screenshot in this post, but they must’ve taken that video down. Personal note: I’m certain this thread has caused some attention and there are a few onlookers. I’m very aware that many of you have personal scorn for me. Some will talk **** about me on here but when I talk to them on the phone, they act friendly as can be and that’s ok. I understand that I am not ‘one of the boys’ on here and I’m fine with that. I hope I at least get a little bit of credit for the times I have made it a point to tell people on YouTube that I would not be here if it were not for Brickpicker. I have said that numerous times and it is true. I have not acted like I am the one who discovered reselling LEGO reselling.
    9 points
  4. Additional photos and thoughts: Wonderful set but not quite Rivendell in terms of aesthetics and build. Solid 9.5 overall. It’s a shame that the Fell Beast wasn’t included to begin with. Based on the interior art, I suspect it was but the bean counters came in at the 11th hour and changed that.
    8 points
  5. Call me a fool but I am still buying at least one Bookshop a month for as long as that zombie walks. But I have a decently large warehouse to store them and, if I didn't spend money on LEGO, I'd just spend it on hookers and blow. And yes, I am currently sitting on 14 Blacksmiths and :::shudder::: 9 of the original Disney Castles (71040.)
    7 points
  6. Putting this one away so Minty.
    6 points
  7. i'm glad you made it through your surgery. live to sell another day is what i always say! excelsior!
    6 points
  8. Right on, there. I mean Ed Mack hasn't even visited his own website in over a year!
    6 points
  9. 30% Target Circle Deals are active. $39.19 Commander Cody Helmets, Eldorado Fortress $150.49, many others. Also, make sure to look for this under deals: https://www.target.com/pl/167884446
    5 points
  10. Looks like the complete set is $49.99 https://planetfuntoys.com/products/lego-minifigures-dungeons-and-dragons-71047-set-of-all-12-figures @Tonka858 Anything special we should know about ordering this time around?
    4 points
  11. Do you like battle packs? Do you like double battle packs? 40755 Imperial Dropship Vs Rebel Scout Speeder
    4 points
  12. "...with the original designer receiving 1% of the royalties" This guy is still laughing all the way to the bank.
    4 points
  13. Finished up my Medieval Lego phase with the Lion Knight castle, Town Square and a classic: The Sea Serpent. All great sets though the Town Square was a step down from the castle in terms of build and overall quality.
    4 points
  14. Received my BDP Series 1 Train Engine Shed today. Nice BL branded box inside a "ready to ship" shipper inside a large outer brown cardboard "plain" LEGO box. Couldn't be more minty fresh.
    4 points
  15. Sorry, last set of pictures. I got the lighting just right to finally appreciate the aesthetic decision they made to go with reddish brown. It really does glow if you get the lighting just right which is a blend of blue and red LEDs. Also a side by side with Rivendell.
    4 points
  16. Got my Mountain Fortress Castle. Beautiful. Packed Well. Stored away. Some day Lion Knight Castle will take on the Black Falcon's and the Mountain Fortress. Volley Thunder Tally Ho Gents !
    4 points
  17. This is Jim. Shane found me back in 2018 and we had a few phone calls here in there. At the beginning of covid I emailed him a excel spreadsheet of Brickheadz ROI. He begged me to be his partner and relaunch my small, dormant YT channel. He said that he worked for Microsoft and he knew how to grow the rebranded Brick Bucks into a flourishing business. I agreed. I could see early on He was not truthful because he didn't know anything about growing a business before we started. There were plenty of other things but I'm not here to talk about that. A year later I broke it off and started my own channel. I'm certain you've seen it. He's now the punching bag of LEGO reselling and he did it to himself. He's done this in other areas too. He trolls instagram to look for successful businesses and tries to copy them. That's how he started his own book reselling business a few years ago. I'm actually surprised Shane is still this involved in the LEGO reselling space as much as he is. He told me a while back that he wants to start a new business & grow it every two years and when he gets a handful of them him and his wife will do nothing but travel the world. He's not a business guy. He has used Income School and other companies to grow his business. The guy has never had an original thought. So yeah, sorry for creating this monster. I'm certain his recent articles was a way to give his subscription service a shot of adrenaline. I thought about doing an article like that 18 months ago but chose better of it. Back when LEGO reselling completely consumed my life, I thought about sending a bunch of press releases to CNBC, Market Watch, Fast Company, etc. so I can post the "as seen on..." on my website or wherever. I'm guessing that will be his next move once the momentum from his article fades. So again, my apologies. Sincerely, Jim Wolf of Bricks
    4 points
  18. The sooner you stop caring about box condition the better your life would be
    4 points
  19. Will be the same as the last releases, We expect scanning will work, Which will speed up shipping, Thanks!
    3 points
  20. When I opened this I was like, awesome an Atari video game system!.. then solemn sadness sets in..
    3 points
  21. Don't forget to check the prime day sales for shipping supplies Some box deals that I found and ordered today: https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B00BT4AJ8O -- 24x16x6, 20 packs, 27% off ($44.72). Useful for the newer 10XXX sets. https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B01MA1ULCP -- 20x12x4, 25 packs, 15% off ($39.51). Useful for holiday sets. https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B06W9GKB4G -- 16x12x4, 100 packs, 15% off ($123.67). Many different sets (botanicals, advent calendars, etc...) These are at or below uline prices (but with free shipping). They also have this shipping tape on sale which I currently use and have no complaints: https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B07QDYN9VR -- 60 yards x 36 rolls, 20% off ($39.19)
    3 points
  22. I made bad choices and will soon be the owner of a royal clamshell. 🫢
    3 points
  23. Deal at QVC for new customers that works on Lego. Use NEWQVC50 for $50 off of $100. Shipping is not free and is $5.50 per item. I went with the Disney camera set with a $1 donation to go over $100. Ended up being $60 with tax and shipping.
    3 points
  24. That must have been some phone call @Captain_Obvious! Mine is also at “in warehouse” (finally) after about a week “in process.” Yay! 😁
    3 points
  25. Wow, awesome. Sounds just as good as, if not better than Pantasy then! I've just finished building their Sherlock Holmes set over the weekend, and it was pretty incredible to be honest lol
    3 points
  26. Ya, it should look more “Space-y” considering it’s a Castle set.
    3 points
  27. Available July 15th the first of 3 modulars they are putting out this year.
    3 points
  28. Lol. It will happen eventually. I promise.
    3 points
  29. My apologies for creating this monster. This will be one of my biggest regrets in life.
    3 points
  30. Brick built Yoshi from Brick Journal, Issue 53, October 2018. Fortunately, I was able to BrickLink it all from one store. The issue had many Pokeman and Nintendo builds.
    3 points
  31. Just thinking on this today.. Mountain Fortress is: 3,995 parts 9 figures (6 Falcon, 1 Lion Knight, 2 Peasant) 1 horse $380 3X 31120 Medieval Castle (On sale for $80 right now) is: 4,278 parts 9 Figures (6 Falcon, 3 pirate peasants) 3 Skeletons $240 (Less with red card)
    3 points
  32. I'm just hoping a bomb doesn't actually go off.
    3 points
  33. I’ve seen this somewhere before.
    3 points
  34. Thanks the castle was on my wish list and with the D&D CMFs coming out to populate it couldn’t resist this stack. The candy shop got extended until 7/31, had a 10% off GC and 5% CB from RMN and my last Ninjago GWP to redeem. ETA: I should have used a $100 VIP voucher but still holding out for what @Captain_Obvious thinks is coming out on BF 2025 🤣 And I have a bunch of Apple Cash to burn.
    2 points
  35. I'd dearly love to hear her and Brick Clicker get into an argument. I'd dearly love to hear her and Brick Clicker get into an argument.
    2 points
  36. LEGO Icons Atari 2600 Building Set 10306 40% off $143.99 Also, LEGO Disney Princess The Little Mermaid Royal Clamshell 43225 30% off $111.99
    2 points
  37. 2x 15% Rak in account (sweet $60+) and both orders shipped this morning. Should be at the house tomorrow, still during Prime Days . Advantage of being 15 miles from Romeoville! Redeemed both Ninjago Micros and both GWPs on each order. Great mini-haul!
    2 points
  38. So true it hurts. I feel like there’s some hope with the BL Designer program cranking out classic hits ($$$). Based on a recent interview with a BL LEGO rep, it looks like we may get some smaller sets ($$) that are hopefully nostalgic too. Worried we won’t see anymore classics in the main line or GWP/Insider lanes. However, we still got this bad boy in the pipeline: https://ideas.lego.com/challenges/7c37425a-7cc4-4188-b3bf-a43316396101/application/d4c685ed-0117-4ec4-a702-16664f351f22
    2 points
  39. Finished the Pantasy Retro Gumball Machine and it is definitely worth the $58. No missing pieces, no stickers, numbered bags, good build with a great assortment of parts. The only negatives would be the swirls in the previous posted pic on the flat gold tiles which aren’t even seen in the finished build so not sure why they were used instead of just grey or white, the instructions element placement is very hard to see outlined in a fine line of green and perhaps they could have included more capsules to fill the clear dome which although being packaged seperatly still had some minor scuffing. I didn’t do the mini builds to fill the capsules yet, those are in 2 bags #6 because I will probably either fill it with large gumballs or put Lego minifigures in the capsules will see another day. If I told you this was a $100 Lego set because of the huge dome elements and all of the gold and silver lacquered elements but you could get it for $80 you would be thrilled. Build 7 Play 7 Display 8 Value 9 ETA: not pictured is you build a little toy shop with its own micro gumball machine in it and I guess with that and all of the micro builds to go in the capsules the play for a kid could be a 8 or even a 9
    2 points
  40. Mine was 10 back from 70 Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    2 points
  41. Thanks. I grabbed one as well. Get building for a chance to get it for free.
    2 points
  42. 15% off code JASONGUMBALL don’t forget to like, comment and subscribe 😝
    2 points
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