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10236 - UCS: Ewok Village


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Kicking myself over last year - EV was 20% off on Amazon for over a month.  Had it in my cart several times and didn't pull the trigger.  


If you want to risk waiting, you can buy this in November when the holiday promo set comes out (if they're doing one this year).  I think the release of one of the holiday promos usually coincides with a very brief 2x VIP points event.  If you combine these two you will net a nice discount on the Ewok Village.  That is if it lasts that long of course.

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The safer way to say it is there will probably never be another EV that looks like this version again.  But, there could be another in the future.  If you want to risk waiting, you can buy this in November when the holiday promo set comes out (if they're doing one this year).  I think the release of one of the holiday promos usually coincides with a very brief 2x VIP points event.  If you combine these two you will net a nice discount on the Ewok Village.  That is if it lasts that long of course.

I don't think it will be around by that time.  Or lego will intentionally make it go OOS during that period.  I bet this is back to OOS in another couple days, and then won't appear again till later this month.  Then it will continue that sporadic dance for the next few months only appearing for a brief period that gets snatched up quickly.

Even at $250 a good investor would still be buying these, as this set will do very well when retired and there will never be a set like this again.

I would be hesitant to say there would never be another EV ever again.  Lego has a vast history of remakes and repeats in the Star Wars line.  I'm sure many said the same thing about the DS, and that "wish" could be rendered moot by next year.  I still think EV is a good investment, even at 250.00.  But do I see this set going 2x or higher a year after retirement?  I'd be hesitant to proclaim that is a definite possibility.  I think the Sandcrawler is a better investment for the price point.

Edited by fossilrock
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I'm actually beyond the point of caring about it as an investment - I realized I'm happier building the sets and converting an entire section of my house to a display area.  I'm in the "collector" mode now as opposed to "investor" but the OCD makes 'completionist' a real problem.  I hate ewoks - worst part of any Star Wars movie is a tie between anything Jar-Jar and the damned ewok party at the end of RotJ.  But it's a set I don't have, so...

All the responses have been making me feel so much better about passing on the 20% sale last year.  While you're all at it, anyone want to give me a nice papercut and pour lemon juice on it? :P

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I wonder if all the hate for Ewoks is based on age.  I'm 34 and love this set and those Return of the Jedi scenes.  That puts me at a very young age when ROTJ came out (3-4. So naturally a furry little Ewok would be fun and entertaining, especially when they manage to beat up all those storm troopers using handmade weapons.

If, on the other hand, I was an adult, teenager, or even pre-teen when ROTJ came out, I'd probably think they were too childish for space warfare.

The key to investing isn't what I believe...its what the market believes in. I think a lot of AFOLs in there 30s would love to have this set to build with their children or display proudly.  I'd pay $400-500 easy to have a sealed one in my collection if it were already retired.

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Well I was 10 when rotj came out and was fascinated by the tree top world that the ewoks lived in. I wanted to live there as well and experience their culture.

This set is awesome and very unique in the line of SW sets that are out now. EV is quickly moving up my "next set to purchase" list.


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I'm 34 and don't have a strong opinion on Ewoks.  I don't hate them, but they're not my favorite SW creature either.  They look like forest creatures, and made sense for the movie, so I'm fine with them.  The comparisons with Jar Jar don't make sense.  The other Gungans that appear in the movie aren't a bunch of bumbling idiots, only Jar Jar.  Gungans are ok, Jar Jar must die.

As for the set, I can honestly say it's one of my favorite Star Wars sets.  It's just great, from the building experience, to how it looks on display, to the massive amount of minifigs. 

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There are many collectors and AFOLs who also visit BrickPicker for sale and set retirement news.  They don't really care about making a buck and maybe only care about saving a buck.


Count me in this group mostly. I sometimes buy an extra of a set when I can afford it, but primarily I use BP to guide my collecting decisions - which sets to buy, in what order, at what price. For that purpose, I think this site is simply amazing, and I really appreciate all the input from the more seasoned collectors and investors. If you're interested in my viewpoint as a collector, and a guy who buys multiple retired sets a month, I've thrown some rambling thoughts below.

In terms of the Ewok Village set specifically, this is a must have set for me, and probably my next exclusive purchase. For what it's worth, this set is the number one set my wife consistently asks me why haven't I bought one yet? Also, I have kids aged 6-19 who love this set as well. It looks really great in person at the LEGO store every time we see it. My youngest two haven't even seen the OT movies and still think this set is cool.

One thing I think this set has going for it right now is uniqueness. The entire LEGO Star Wars landscape is littered with vehicle sets - in many instances several rehashes of the same one. Like the Death Star, the display factor of the EV has something different going for it vs. an ISD/SSD/MF.

Is it too childish for AFOLs? Perhaps, but I'm still going to set it up in my office someday. I'm 39 years old, married, and work as an Army Officer - I'm cool with having some Ewoks hanging with me at work. But then again, I think Metalbeard's Sea Cow is awesome.

I guess my point is that there is a market for this set, and I think it's going to do better than expected after EOL. Is it better to put your money in 3-4 cheaper sets bought on sale? I don't know. I'll leave that up to those who are more experienced and savvy at the investment side of things.

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Guess it's time to have the age old discussion of why people hate ewoks.......again.

For many people, the tweener principle comes around again.  Lucas - you know: the guy who made Star Wars into A New Hope and "remastered" the Death Star explosion and corrected the cantina scene to have Greedo shoot first and edited Jedi to have Hayden in the lineup as a young Anakin and -- well, you get the idea.  Anyway, George Lucas originally intended the third movie to take place on Kashyyk and feature wookies.  Of course, he owned all the rights to the toys and merchandising and figured teddy bears with spears would sell more toys.  Kids play with toys, teens generally don't.  Which *generally* (but not always) means that if you were 12 or older when Jedi came out, you don't like ewoks; if you were younger, you loved them and bought the toys.

I dread waiting for another sale on this set, but I still can't forgive the ewoks - and George Lucas - for actually putting the ewok party song out as a single that I had to listen to on my local FM stations when they counted down the top 10 requested songs of the day.  

Aw, crap.  I'll just pick up the set and content myself by placing Imperial scout troopers all around it with sniper rifles.

Edited by vmnlogan
goofed - said 'casino' rather than cantina
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When I first got out of my dark ages, (around October 2013,) I had noticed it and didn't think a whole lot about it.  I spent the next year and a half just buying up everything else that I wanted and was behind on.  I always went back to looking at it at the store, and kept thinking to myself, I really should pick this up, but it's really low on my priority list.  Eventually, when I literally ran out of big sets to buy that Lego was currently offering, it was time to buy into it.  It's surprisingly a really awesome display set.  I'm not exactly the biggest fan of playsets, (and since I was a kid, I was more into the ships and very neutral on ewoks.  Neither hated them, nor loved them,) but they did such a good job capturing that scene that anyone who knows anything about star wars, would recognize it.  Like others have said, it's worth it even at retail IMO.  I wouldn't miss the boat on this.

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When I first got out of my dark ages, (around October 2013,) I had noticed it and didn't think a whole lot about it.  I spent the next year and a half just buying up everything else that I wanted and was behind on.  I always went back to looking at it at the store, and kept thinking to myself, I really should pick this up, but it's really low on my priority list.  Eventually, when I literally ran out of big sets to buy that Lego was currently offering, it was time to buy into it.  It's surprisingly a really awesome display set.  I'm not exactly the biggest fan of playsets, (and since I was a kid, I was more into the ships and very neutral on ewoks.  Neither hated them, nor loved them,) but they did such a good job capturing that scene that anyone who knows anything about star wars, would recognize it.  Like others have said, it's worth it even at retail IMO.  I wouldn't miss the boat on this.

Totally agree with this - it is quite easily one of the best display sets on the market now.  Lots of detail, great references to the movie, some playability, phenomenal figs (even though only a couple are exclusive) all make for a great model.  I own it and display it proudly.

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Guest TabbyBoy

I'm being nice and not taking the bait so that Little Johnny has a better chance of getting one. I can see disappointed people being stuck with lots of brown bricks to offload in a few years time. This set just ain't for me.

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