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Showing content with the highest reputation on 04/22/2015 in all areas

  1. I haven't found any instructions yet, but here is some pics of the main builds from this set and the parts list.
    7 points
  2. What a sweet photo. Brings back so many good memories. Stockpiling this puppy while everyone said its too small it is not proportional it will be here for the movie they will make another and so on Sweet...
    3 points
  3. Not too long ago you could walk in and buy as many as you wanted. Forget this and move on to the other great Star Wars sets still available at MSRP!
    3 points
  4. ​Waiting for a post from someone who spent an hour at TRU smooshing 5 Hot Dog guys out of 2 boxes of CMF 13, only to be taken down by a man and his daughter
    3 points
  5. Brickset.com lists dates of availability, both first on sale and last sold out, on LEGO Shop at Home. This is not the "official retirement" but is as close as anyone outside of lego upper management can provide.
    3 points
  6. While I don't know the details of your transaction, or whether it is related to customs fees or not (also keep in mind that ebay decisions are not always consistent, it usually comes down to the individual reviewing the case) below is an ebay decision for a recent INR claim (decided in my favor). The tracking details shown on USPS is usually a little more detailed than what is shown on ebay. ​eBay Customer Support has reviewed the case and made a final decision. We decided not to issue the buyer a refund. You don't need to do anything else for this case. Decision: This case has been decided in your favor. Comments: The information in the case indicates that the item is stuck in customs. You don't need to do anything else. Because we decided in your favor, this case, any feedback left, and all detailed seller ratings left, will not affect your seller performance. In addition, any feedback left for this transaction will be removed. Note: It may take up to 24 hours for these updates to reflect in your Seller Dashboard.
    2 points
  7. The whole smooshing thing just drives me nuts but finally I took advantage of it yesterday. There was a guy sitting at one of the tables for little kids with all the series 13 boxes and 2 shopping baskets. He would put the ones he wanted in one basket and then the rest in the other basket. I figured two could play this game so I put my little girl next to him and said we were looking for Hot Dog guys. He said we could look after him he was done. In the process he bumped my 2 year old which was game over for his ass. I got one of the tru employees to come over and he started to argue that he never touched anyone. My little girl walked off with the basket of 5 Hot Dog guys like a champ. He was like those are mine in which I gave him my basket with 5 random packs and said have a nice day. Finally smooshing worked in my favor. Totally made my week.
    2 points
  8. You need to develop some techniques that work for you... Smooshing isn't hard for the majority of the figures but there can be one or two in each series that are harder. This is what I do: Give a quick smoosh - say 2 seconds - to see if it can be quickly identified. Some are so unique like the carpenter guy in Series 13 who was the only one with a 1x4 tile that usually you can quickly tell. If I can't figure it out quickly but think it has promise, I put them in a pile. If I figure it out right away, if I want it I throw it in my to keep pile and then resort them at home (good luck trying to keep them sorted during checkout :)). If I haven't found what I want, I'll go back to the "promise pile" and try again. First find a big piece, push it to a corner and then squeeze it. Shake the bag gently so the small pieces fall to the bottom. Shaking too hard just means everything falls .. Try to identify the smallest pieces... 1x2 tiles, unique pieces like the snake, unicorn horn or swords. I also usually don't stare at the bag and use my Jedi senses to feel instead. hahaha Seriously, when I stare at the bag it just makes me want to move onto the next bag in my peripheral vision.
    2 points
  9. ​I would report him to ebay. He probably knew what he was gonna do the minute he paid you.
    2 points
  10. Depends how many you have and your buy-in price. Now there is a spike in interest but that will be nothing compared to Nov-Dec.
    2 points
  11. Hi everyone, Im new to this forum. Recently im looking for a new PC. Im afraid PC will be retiring soon. look at the store snapshot, the status "Out of stock, will ship in 30 days" is green for PR, and the others are in red....is it some sorta indications? panic mode on?
    1 point
  12. As long as I'm not that loonie! ps it's Pomme de Terre ;)
    1 point
  13. A bunch of goodies came in the mail today, I got a misb doc ock heist (76015) for $5 shipped, a misb arctic ice crawler (60033) for $5 shipped, a mostly complete architecture White House (21006) for $15, and last but not least a 100% complete used ucs r2d2 (10225) for $65 shipped! He's only missing the instructions and box
    1 point
  14. ​Keep bumping up that number and we might be investing in some Canadian loonie with the profits.
    1 point
  15. 1 point
  16. Short term, R2 is the better investment. By the time the time the Slave I retires, R2 can be $500 or more and be sold and the profits reinvested into multiple Slaves.
    1 point
  17. I think it's time for a mass online petition to lego re: stickers. Lego is supposed to be a premium product. Premium products should not have 50 stickers. With EEE, they crossed another line as well, with stickers that spanned multiple pieces. Yucko.
    1 point
  18. DPCI 204-00-1379 i don't think they will show in the tracker until 5/1 had to use some Dark Side force to get these.
    1 point
  19. So, as we edge towards the end of the month, current minimum Ebay prices look to be at 550 USD / 420 euros and bricklink sales remain a tad behind but consistent in numbers which is a good sign as most resellers will probably have given up on acquiring this one at these prices. Stock levels are not thinning out much as more seasoned investors start to list their wares as the prices move towards what they are looking to make. Used ones are also trading for much higher than RRP which is an excellent sign.
    1 point
  20. ​So that's what a stack of hotcakes looks like...
    1 point
  21. Buy the time Barnes and Noble Finally caught on with the 30% Coupon all the R2-D2 and Death Stars in the Baltimore,Md stores they were all bought.
    1 point
  22. Yeah, guess who caused that to happen?
    1 point
  23. ​Haha, yeah me too. It can take a while to smoosh properly but there is no reason to bogart the whole thing just for yourself. I will step to the side when a kid comes up trying to look through the Minifigure shelf stand at Target. A couple times I asked if they were looking for a specific character and if I already found one earlier, I will just hand it to them. I don't see why not really.
    1 point
  24. ​Ok, so having read all that, I'm going to need to resort to jedi mind tricks. Excellent What, you mean that's not what I was supposed to take from the above, aw shucks
    1 point
  25. ​My guess is that it's more of a website glitch than anything. When I view it from S@H Canada, it shows in stock in the view above and the others show out of stock in red. The underlying glitch is poor caching of the website stylesheets. It happens all the time in the web world but people don't usually notice because they don't visit a website every 5 minutes like the addicts around here with S@H.
    1 point
  26. "as-is" used to be a very meaningful term. I rarely sell used, but when I do, I always use the term "as-is." I'm not sure how eBay sides with an "as-is" case, though.
    1 point
  27. Sort of.... ​Usually unopened CMFs will sell for slightly higher than opened, but it's not a hard and fast rule and demand for a particular figure will play into the price difference. The rarer they are, the more they are worth unopened. The common ones are essentially no difference in price. Personally, since I've always bought them as "gifts" (my partner and son do all the building) when I bought from older series I always picked the sealed ones first. If I couldn't find sealed, I bought "bag cut open then taped shut" since that was enough to fool my son and lastly I had to get a couple that were "new in sealed baggie." If you don't feel comfortable smooshing, then slicing them open and taping them shut is your next best bet.
    1 point
  28. ​ smooshing "malarky" is easy. just figure out what accessory you need to look for. all small loose parts fall to one end of the bag so figure out what makes each fig unique. hot dog is obviously easy. fencer has the foil with a round ball at the end, so look for that. unicorn has the horn, etc.. its a lot easier than it sounds. you can also go LED light on the MF's, but its a lot more time consuming.
    1 point
  29. Use this above link for the thread, i know you are looking for something that is easier to digest by looking at a software that generate the date or month of retirement for you but i don't think there is one yet. The thread do have an excel file which seems to be 'broken' at the moment, maybe because of the forum upgrade. Otherwise that is all i can see around the net, hope it helps.
    1 point
  30. Slightly used ISD on Craigslist. http://blog.caranddriver.com/the-craigslist-ad-of-the-day-is-for-a-used-imperial-star-destroyer/
    1 point
  31. My first try to actually build something since I restarted investing. A small train for my 1-year old. Just used some limited spare parts I had around still of sets I couldn't sell. I'm Emmet.
    1 point
  32. ​How are you visiting the forum threads? I posted earlier today about how you can go to the "first unread post" from the forum views. Also, have you tried the "New Content" option up at the top on the right (or the "star" in the mobile friendly website view)? Those are the options I'm now using for viewing new content...
    1 point
  33. It looks easy enough to BL from the picture, except for the Sandcrawler. It is REALLY cute.
    1 point
  34. I guess the Hot Dog Guys didn't like Burger King stepping his way into their territory. Hotdogs and burgers don't mix.... by BrickTrip
    1 point
  35. I build a set to the instructions once the first time around but afterwards anything goes. I do like trying to plan out my builds digitally when I have a very specific idea in mind to work out all the kinks and find all the best ways of making it structurally sound well as visually interesting. In one way or another, I guess I sort of work off instructions either Lego or I made myself. It will be a long time before I can even consider reaching 'master builder' status but I'm also not an 'Emmet'. I never would have come up with a double-decker couch for starters ....and my mind has a little more activity than his.
    1 point
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