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Showing content with the highest reputation on 04/21/2015 in all areas

  1. ​The ISD is a very poorly designed ship in the first place.. Who builds a bridge in such a vulnerable position anyways? Not only is it extremely obvious where the ship's nerve center is, defending it or extending a "force field" or "deflector shield" (or whatever you want to call it) around such a structure would be problematic and expensive. The entire premise of the Star Wars shield technology is to deflect the laser blast which means your shield would have to extend waaaay out to form an egg like structure. The amount of energy required to do that would be quite extreme and a very poor example of energy efficient construction. The SSD on the other hand is a perfect example of a compact and efficient structure to throw a shield around. Also I would think that the bridge would be relatively well protected from atmospheric forces when entering the atmosphere by the extremely large underbelly of the ship. However, crashing hard enough into the surface (even if icky soft sand) to bury half the ship would have caused some ripple damage into other areas of the ship and I would have expected that bridge area to have collapsed forward. We know how poorly the Empire builds things (Tie's with no shields, Death Stars with "one hit" self destruct mechanisms, long unprotected shafts leading to nowhere perfect for tossing an emperor or two) so it stands to reason that the area that connects the bridge to the ships superstructure would be poorly built as well.
    2 points
  2. Another money maker for the employees.
    2 points
  3. A blurry image (of course) for the exclusive set to be given at this year's Star Wars Celebration event next weekend in Anaheim. It appears to have a little diorama of Luke's home on Tatooine, a (loosely) Microfighters-esque sandcrawler, C-3PO (I would guess the one from the UCS Sandcrawler), and a micro landspeeder with some characters. Source: The Brick Fan
    1 point
  4. Yet another eBay fruitcake. I sold a Craigslist lot at NR, full auction with the text at the bottom of this post. It includes 12 pictures which showed the as-sold condition of the kits (yes, they need cleaning). It sold to an overseas buyer via GSP. I got a note via eBay today saying I needed to provide a partial refund since the kits were "dirty" and a few were missing parts. I repeated what the ad said, below. He wrote back saying I had to give a partial refund. I stated I would not do so, but would accept a return of the item for a full refund. I will not be extorted. I think my offer of a full refund is more than fair. Much more, see the text. He simple wrote for a third time, demanding partial refund. I haven't written back. If he does, I'll simply ask that he open a case with eBay and let them resolve it. Just venting here. Thanks. --------- auction text: "This is an estate purchase, and includes a massive amount of Star Wars kits and minifigs. Many rare. Most kits have instructions, see pictures. Kits are very dusty, and will require cleaning. I'll carefully bag each kit to keep parts separate, but otherwise this lot is sold as-is. I've taken detailed pics so you can see the complete contents of this lot. The seller said he had over $2000 invested in Lego kits; many of these minifigs sell for $8/ea; there's over 130 in this lot. Not shown in pictures, theres also a small tub of extra parts, and this might include anything that might be missing in the kits. The one non-Star Wars kit is the Troll Warship, and it appears to be complete with dragon, trolls, and sails in good condition. Please looks at the pictures carefully, this lot is sold as-is and you'll receive everything in the pics. I'm listing this as a 7-day auction with no reserve. High bidder takes it all.
    1 point
  5. Picked up a used 9470 Shelob Attack's for $10. For the Halloween Town.
    1 point
  6. http://t.toysrus.com/shop/index.jsp?categoryId=33810026&camp=CME:TRU:EM041715B_RatsEmail&csep=a4df9ca0-4b74-4909-9e2e-0e8f84cb560f
    1 point
  7. There is no place like home ~ Dorothy
    1 point
  8. In a universe full of hospitable planets, why do people still live in the desert? Stow away on a freighter or something.
    1 point
  9. Two 76003 Battle for Smallville for $16 total. I received $20 free SYW points on a $30 toy purchase. My local KMart has 50% clearance and this set was $23. (2 x $23) - $20 free points - $10 old points = $16.
    1 point
  10. ​That's the bottom line...One step at a time. The upgrade was required by the forum developer and many of the people with the add ons and apps are catching up. Google is also requiring all sites to be mobile friendly by this week I believe, or you will be punished by their search engines. This forum template still has some quirks and the developer knows it, but we have no other choice but to deal with it. I'm sure over the next several weeks we will implement many of the old features that were made specifically for the old forum. The custom developers are working on some stuff for us right now and Jeff is in contact with Tap Talk, so hopefully they can come up with a new version. Honestly, they have to because the old forum version will lose support shortly. While I like the new mobile version, the Tap Talk was simple and effective and I would welcome it back as well.
    1 point
  11. I'm totally expecting a new "Rebels" Vader in a string of sets for next year.
    1 point
  12. ​I'm wearing these right now, so I'm good there.
    1 point
  13. Attack on Lake-Town back in stock at WM.ca: http://www.walmart.ca/en/ip/lego-loftr-and-hobbit-attack-on-lake-town-79016/6000189233623
    1 point
  14. 1 point
  15. ​In a different universe, that line would have scored you a senator who was an ex-queen
    1 point
  16. 1 point
  17. 1 point
  18. ​I would imagine it depends on the velocity of the impact. If the SSD was "orbiting" the planet and crashed into it it would cause far less destruction than a meteor traveling at full speed. Meteors travel between 25,000mph and 160,000mph. http://www.amsmeteors.org/meteor-showers/meteor-faq/#3 They are also solid masses of rock.. not some giant hollow metal structure that could collapse into itself on impact.
    1 point
  19. ​Which pilot would fly into this thing without knowing if the path is clear? So either the guy flying the ship is very dumb or very smart. Sorry for OT post.
    1 point
  20. The short answer is no, I'm not even sure LEGO Shop at Home really knows The long answer is that if it says 30 days, this is the default and they have no shipments currently confirmed. The next shipment could be a few weeks, months, or never. if it shows an actual date then they are expecting some stock before that date. Whether or not the shippment they get is enough to fill all current orders seems to be mostly irrelivent. Finally if stock is limited, they seem to use a first in last out fulfillment. Thus those who happen to order closer to when the shippment actually arrives often get their shipments first. Those who have been waiting to get theirs for weeks or months May get nothing. As for the dates changing I suspect it means the shippment "for" May 3rd has already arrived and been allocated. In my experience most of the actual dates are very conservative, And it's common for them to be available a week or two ahead of schedule. Overall if stock is limited it is often a crap shoot. Whether that is by design or poor fulfillment is open for debate.
    1 point
  21. I like the Ice Cream Machine @ $29 (K-Mart). Am a fan of it along with the Trash Chomper and Flying Flusher because the regular vehicles look great and they have nice figs.
    1 point
  22. ​At 1:27 that is most definitely an SSD. The crashed ISD is earlier in the trailer..
    1 point
  23. You'll never get the tax back. At the bottom it says this... Tax is calculated on the total selling price of each individual item and any shipping/handling in accordance with applicable tax laws.Meaning their fancy little table means nothing if the tax changes.
    1 point
  24. Now this is one fast weenie! The Rod Dog by street.pop.barbecue
    1 point
  25. Simpsons House in stock at TRU.ca if anyone's looking to use airmiles vouchers on em, no free shipping :\ http://www.toysrus.ca/product/index.jsp?productId=28819516
    1 point
  26. 1 point
  27. I would scream like a little girl if Thrawn was in any of the next three movies, great character.​
    1 point
  28. Sold a 10227 B-Wing for $200 cash, sold locally. Sold the rest of my $15 target special Umbaran MHC's for $30 each locally.
    1 point
  29. Working on bag #3 of the Detective's Office with my son tonight...so far love the look of the build. Noticed a single missing piece that holds the barber shop pole to the exterior wall, oh well, will finish the build first to see if there's anything else missing before chatting with Lego customer service. Cinema Palace is already sitting at my door from my latest order (can't wait to head home lol). After CP will be getting the PR, than that's it for modulars until the next release. Gives me time to work on a little neighbourhood layout.
    1 point
  30. ​Well, if you remember in Return of the Jedi, Darth Vader had to get the union back on schedule.
    1 point
  31. Built the SDCC Batmobile today after receiving a BL order for some parts and the two minifigs. Cute little model.
    1 point
  32. Well I said I was going to build Mixels Series 4 soon as I found them so ....yeah I pretty much did just that. I won't go into too much detail other than pointing out a few things I enjoyed. Starting with the Orbitons, I liked their choice of "Buzz Lightyear" colors and variety in pieces. (To Mixel and beyond! ) Picking a favorite character from that tribe was a little tricky but I think it is Rokit with Niksput at a close second. (It might have been the big dome head that won me over.) The new additions to the Infernite clan were a fun return to the tribe of flame and I found each to be quite unique. Meltus won my favorite pick there. Finally moving on to the Glowkies was a mixed bag for me as they basically were two bats and a spider dog ....thing. I loved the colors used a lot and they are a fun bunch but the character diversity seemed minimal here. Globert reminded me an enemy from Final Fantasy (Ahriman) which is kind of cool however the build basically is just a big eye with wings. Vampos had more interesting detail and for me was a better build between him and Globert. My personal favorite easily is Boogly. The build felt robust, character was fun, and one of the best names I've heard that sounds goofy and cool at the same time. Also you know he's a punk wearing that knit cap on his eye. Haha. Well, that was what I built officially anyway. I am already tackling yet another Mixel Mech using the Cragsters. I kind of have something tossed together but it still needs tweaking. In the meantime I might be tempted to take out that Crafting Box set from Minecraft and go all 'freestyle' on it or something. I don't know really until I get there. I am just that sporadic. Ha.
    1 point
  33. ...But EV also includes a sausage.
    1 point
  34. Key lesson is to not order too many big heavy sets in one order. Space em out.
    1 point
  35. I think it shows that anyone stating knowledge that licenses ending at any given date are talking out of their hobbit hole.
    1 point
  36. Yes - the board is the wrong way around - even on the box itself. The lighter of both colors (white usually) has to be on your left bottom corner, for both players.
    1 point
  37. While waiting for the Minecraft sets to arrive I pieces this video together. Next video will be the Police Station. Enjoy.
    1 point
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