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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/26/2015 in all areas

  1. Hello BrickPickers... Over the past several weeks, there has been a lot of discussion about NON-LEGO reselling methods and products. At times, the NON-LEGO discussion would take priority over LEGO topics on a LEGO based website. Now, Jeff and I appreciate the forum activity and posts, but it was becoming quite difficult on the Moderators and Jeff and I to monitor all the activity. These NON-LEGO discussions sometimes took on a more mature nature, far more difficult to manage on a website designed around a "toy." The Moderators and Admins had to reign in and limit discussions to protect the integrity and PG rating of this site. So Jeff and I came up with a possible solution... www.INVESTorSELL.com The INVESTorSELL.com website is a site designed for the NON-LEGO reseller, investor and collector. While there is a section for LEGO discussions, we would like to keep that discussion here for obvious reasons. We would like to see the main NON-LEGO reselling and investing topics migrate to the INVESTorSELL.com site. Right now, it is a basic forum, but as you all know, Jeff likes to add new features and tinker with things, so depending on your interest in the site, many new features and tools can be added. The INVESTorSELL.com site will welcome all sorts of discussions on reselling and investment products, techniques, and especially...deals. As you all know, the BrickPicker.com site is known for it's deals and community cooperation in locating these deals. It will be no different there. Topics can be cover almost anything that is not obscene, vulgar or illegal. The rules of the INVESTorSELL.com site will be very similar to this forum. But I will tell you, we will be a little more lenient for obvious reasons, the NON-LEGO discussions. Being the INVESTorSELL.com site really has very little to do with LEGO or its products, I can let members discuss more adult oriented products and topics. Jeff and I hope those of you who are active in other types of reselling and secondary markets will give this site a try. Registration is simple and you can use your BrickPicker names if you choose. There can be more categories added, just PM Jeff or I here or on the INVESTorSELL.com site. Feel free to share your ideas or comments. This is a work in progress and we are willing to work with members to make it another quality resource for reselling, collecting and investing information. Thanks and Good Luck!!!
    9 points
  2. Alright everyone so I finally finished my $400 ucs millennium falcon (10179) and boy it was by far one of the most stressful builds that I've ever done, But the end result was worth it lol and it was only missing a handful of pieces, the Han solo and Chewie minifgs as well as the stickers so I definitely lucked out! Now All I have to do is inventory and build the ucs Batmobile (7784) that the seller threw in for free with the falcon
    5 points
  3. Inflated, huh? What is this set, exactly? I think it is a unique gem sitting in the treasure horde that is recently "retired" sets (and obviously that which follows is mostly just opinion): This model is the fourth and undoubtedly "most loved" (not to mention most enduring) UCS Star Wars character. People feel emotion for R2-D2... unlike Maul, Yoda, or Grievous. It caught many current fans off guard when it left the retail marketplace. As discussed endlessly in these forums, lots were certain it would stay through the Ep 7 release.Therefore: - People who missed it will pay up when they finally get around to "catching up" (nothing new to see here, obviously). - People who aren't into all the fine details but merely love Lego and Star Wars will want this set. Despite all the criticism on aesthetics R2 has endured, it is obvious at a single glance that this is THE droid of all droids, and he IS built out of Lego pieces. Is that not simply cool enough? - People who never knew about it will want it when they see it in their friend's living room, "play" with it, and see it is more than just a Lego statue. The features, while arguably not outstanding, put a nice touch on an otherwise excellent display piece. - People who already like Star Wars but become new Lego fans with the onslaught of Ep 7 merchandise will want this set as well. The depth of his role in the movie won't make much difference, as his mere presence will be a reminder of the "glory days" and trigger enough nostalgia to seek this set out. - People who can't even afford retired UCS sets will choose this one anyway, for aforementioned reasons. I think the value will absolutely explode in 7-8 months, and 3/4 of those buyers will seriously regret not grabbing it now (or knowing someone wanted it) when the price is "more reasonable". - People who wouldn't otherwise own something like this will buy this set. It was the first set my girlfriend fell in love with when I took her to the Lego store a couple years ago. She isn't really a Star Wars fan, but likes the movies and naturally loves R2. Don't underestimate the value of instant recognition. (Next she chose the T1, and gained some interest in the modular line. T1 and a couple other sets have since been disassembled for "space" reasons. R2 has not.) I am not saying this is the best investment set out there, or the best SW set, or best UCS set, or any combination thereof. What I am trying to say is that this set has a sort of iconic mass appeal that may rival 10179. While lacking the size and intricacy of that Millennium Falcon, R2 has a similarly huge (or arguably larger) fan base and a special uniqueness as a Lego set that not even the greatest of "Grey Spaceships" can claim. It is also important to keep in mind that there is no "cheaper" alternative to this set, like 7965/7778/4504/7190/upcoming MF. The technic vomit (sorry) that is 8009 certainly does not count. So the "Gotta Have It" factor is sky high here, imho. It's no Town Hall for investment purposes just because the supply is much greater... but I think the demand will be much greater as well, and can imagine in 5-10 years that people holding that long will be similarly happy with both sets, and very few others.
    5 points
  4. The irony is that I and '' my 30 large crew '' I'd go out on a limb and say contribute the most both in input and affiliate dollars to bper. Take note of who has stopped posting here lately..... All of us appreciate bper and the macks for creating a wonderful site. Things were fine till the last month. The double irony is that not a single one of us have any issue with the macks, the rules, or any MOD, except you. Im not looking to get I to a back and forth. I'm just saying when 30, and that's an exaggeration of about 1 have an issue with one single person so much so that they jump ship, maybe look in the mirror. Or be like exciter, bold or any of the other more fair mods who don't seem to have an issue with everything and anything. That's all. Have a good night. Nice carousel BTW.
    5 points
  5. They make the categories for sales before they go live and just hide the links. Deals March 27 - April 6 > Save up to XX on Building Sets http://www.toysrus.ca/family/viewall/index.jsp?categoryId=60809046&overrideStore=TRUSCA It's not quite finished (hence the "Save up to XX"), items can move in and out before the sale actually begins.
    5 points
  6. Alrighty then. For anyone remotely curious about the mini Voltron design in the other topic, here are instructions for each section based on the original and what I came up with in LDD featuring a Bricklink XML inventory file type of listing for creating a "Wanted List" down below. Just copy the text in the code box under "Inventory list" and paste that data into Bricklink to verify. I used the site's spoiler feature to help make focusing on each area of building easier. If any image seems small try clicking on one to enlarge. Inventory list: TOTAL: 138 pieces (including 'flame sword') LEG LIONS ARM LIONS TORSO LION Ready to form Voltron. Activate interlock, dynatherms connected, infracells up, megathrusters are go. GO VOLTRON FORCE! Form feet and legs! Form arms and body! And I'll form the head! Note: All pieces used and listed are readily available except one slight (annoying) snag towards the end. The 1x1 plate with a vertical clip in green apparently does not exist which makes no sense considering the video and gallery showing off the original model has four of them clear as day plus I am pretty sure somewhere I have a couple in my own collection but Bricklink is telling me otherwise. The closest hue I think listed was maybe lime green. If the part truly does not exist in regular green after all these years, that seems ridiculous really. Maybe we can finally get some through the Mixels, eh? A personal side note towards aesthetics, if you want the lion legs (1x1 tooth pieces) to really shine then use flat silver instead of light bluish gray.
    4 points
  7. Curious to know how you might be displaying your mini-figs? Here's what I did with a couple of my "special" mini-figs. Black Chrome Vader and Chrome Stormtrooper. Old idea that I saw on Ebay and wanted to do them for myself. I just bought some 50-count trading card holders and printed the card backs on photo paper.
    4 points
  8. ...stamped on Travoltas forehead.
    4 points
  9. I admittedly liked having everything under one roof so to speak. The idea of bouncing from one site/ app on my phone to the other is not very appealing to me. I would have liked a little transition period or something.
    4 points
  10. That's Canadian dollars so it's like $1.50 US. ;)
    3 points
  11. I got a lot of used Lego off Goodwill. I got burned on the last lot, but they ended up allowing me to return that one since the sets were glued together. Anyway, I was super excited that this new lot had Harry Potter 5378. It includes all of the minifigs (even Professor Umbridge) and the instructions. Plus there are a bunch of as yet unknown star wars sets in the box. I will hopefully double my money just on the Harry Potter set alone plus my daughter and husband got to build it together, which was really fun.
    3 points
  12. Are ''grey area'' tactics alowed to be discussed their? Why does their need to be mods? Every reason for keeping ammo and such off of brickpicker as well as no shenanigans is completely understandable and to be respected. If the idea is to create another website for everything not lego and it's completly lax aside from Committing Crimes and just stupid stuff I'm down. Just hide the stuff from Appearing on Google searches if that's the hangup. If it's going to be moderated and changed so much from how things were back in the day so to speak, it sounds same old same old. I love brickpicker and Will stay here to talk about lego and for the awsome people I've met along the way. I've been on here for almost 4 years. The past month things have just really been differnt. Not fun if you will. I feel, and I'll speak for about 30 others, that everything is scrutinized and I as well as others feel it's an us vs them mindset these days. All of us are just generally trying to help each other. I came from the lego, I stayed for the community. Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I747 using Brickpicker mobile app
    3 points
  13. He's got a little honey hole, just like I have for AT-DP polys. Maybe raven should sell me one at cost to keep me quiet. ;)
    3 points
  14. It does have a light brick. I think I've found my new bedside lamp.
    2 points
  15. The Tower of Orthanc is quite interesting in design and build, and a lot more famous than the lego HH. I think it's going to do quite fine. I tend to shy away from listening to the naysayers on this site very when it comes to the LOTR/Hobbit lines, because they seem to be wrong. Shelob Attacks, like someone mentioned is now more than double retail, and it's been out for what 6 to 7 months? Attack of the Wargs is also now flying higher than retail. You can't buy this under retail anymore, and same can be said for many other sets that are now OOS. Sure they may flatline in growth for a few months here and there, but all of them are rising to where they were around Christmas time. I"m also noticing that many sets are getting scarcer in numbers on ebay than where they once were a few months ago too. Let the fun begin with this series.
    2 points
  16. I bought three 60057 Camper Vans that were on clearance at Target for $9.98 each, marked down from $19.99. I don't normally invest in City, but for 50% off I thought what the hell.
    2 points
  17. I didn't want to jinx this before it shipped, but I think somebody at AWD messed this one up. I got a sweet deal on a Harry Potter set. Arriving Monday by 8pm On the way
    2 points
  18. I would say a collector who opens it up is the better scenario for investors. 1 less sealed box forever.
    2 points
  19. Everything you listed is licensed except the TH. I am not sure that's the answer, but I am reaching into my childhood experience of "one of these things does not belong here".
    2 points
  20. Good Morning, This same issue has happened to a few member here and has nothing to do with BrickPicker. You visited a site (aliexpress) that installed a type of browser hijacker on your computer. Now when it detects certain sites being visited, it redirects you to aliexpress without your permission. Please google "aliexpress browser hijack" and follow the directions from one of the many sites that have documented this. If you have more trouble, please feel free to let us know but the reality is that there isn't much we can do for you other than provide guidance from a distance.
    2 points
  21. Apparently series 2 can still be found out in the wild...
    2 points
  22. I know you are working on this as we type. Now says "Missing Human Verification Information". I verify that I'm human!
    2 points
  23. Would of been much catchier if it was "becool"
    2 points
  24. Good thing this wasn't created on the first of April in another week.
    2 points
  25. Differences explained = http://brickset.com/article/1303/update-on-#10231-shuttle-expedition 10231 Shuttle Expedition may look similar to Shuttle Adventure in many ways, however its build is very different and offers several advantages. - The fuel tank has been reinforced with supports to strengthen the assembly - The landing gear is strengthened to function better across many different floor types - The Cargo doors can now be more rigorously opened and closed - The entire build has been reworked to limit opportunities for misplacing elements - Astronauts now have wigs in addition to their helmets (1 male, 1 female). Face prints are also different. - The new set now has 1,230 elements - New Satellite can be securely positioned on the new mechanical arm The new space shuttle (like the last one) will not impact this exclusive set. Now if an exclusive refresh of 10231 comes along, then it's a diff story.
    2 points
  26. I tend to say hold for now. I really do think original trilogy lego sets have the possibility of boosting upwards with the new movie, especially if it's a good movie. I think the movie is going to pull in a lot more people that don't even have lego on their radar, and those that have the cash will look towards buying things like rancor pits, snowspeeders, x-wings, millenium falcons, etc.
    2 points
  27. Widely available was till late march / early April 2014. this one did not survive the 2X VIP. By May 2014 this was already going In-Out-Stock (on-off at lot of retailers) TRU released a whole lot on and off on june-july-august time frame. LEGO Shop at Home allowed orders some time in JUNE which was delivered sometime in July/august. flash availability was till NOV/DEC @ amazon; Lego stores till December. { source: my purchase history }
    2 points
  28. You really should stop claiming this. It's one reason why BO doesn't enable it. Consumers expect something they order to be delivered. All online marketplaces own the responsibility until it reaches the customer. Can you imagine if Target or Amazon said "Sorry, not our problem"? Anyway, on BO add $0.30 or whatever to all of your postage bands. For the 1:1000 order that gets lost, cover it and resend/refund. If it's something valuable, buy 3rd party insurance when you ship (funded by the aggregate charge on every order). In other words, build it into your operating cost.
    2 points
  29. Hi all, After some beta testing, I have recently shared my software to synchronize inventory between the BrickLink and BrickOwl marketplaces. It runs on a seller's own computer, handles orders both ways, everything is saved as BrickStock compatible BSX files, and it should be rock solid against anything (even yanking on the ethernet cable in the middle of an update, a power cut while writing a file, etc.). So, there it is: http://www.bricksync.net/ My original plan was to make it open-source and donation-supported, but various people commented that very few people would donate if they could avoid it. Well, they were probably right! So, the only limitation is that a seller with over 250000 items will be kindly invited to support BrickSync, otherwise a little math question/puzzle will be asked to check for new orders. (I still plan to release the code under a General Public License if the donations reach a certain amount.) So, better plan ahead for the extra workload of doubled sales! And If you become rich and famous thanks to the software, please remember that it's primarily donation supported. Thanks. Stragus
    1 point
  30. I thought about selling my 6211 for a new 75055 ISD, but changed my mind after seeing a comparison video. While the 75055 seems to be a sturdier build, mine is for display only. So I decided to add a little to the sides. What do you think? Comments/suggestions?
    1 point
  31. I stumbled across three of the same at Target after dropping my kiddo at soccer practice. And like you, I don't usually buy City, but it's a nice little set for the magic discount. What the hell indeed.
    1 point
  32. Good to know somebody here may find those instructions useful. I hope you post some images when completed with the model. ....Pretty please?
    1 point
  33. It only collapses for anyone who bought at post-retirement prices. Anyone who bought at retail price is going to be fine.
    1 point
  34. I think the fact that its ~2800 pieces helps a lot. You just can't get another modular building of this size so the value proposition is probably more palatable to buyers even at these higher prices.
    1 point
  35. Did you and Jeff figure out some way to make the day 36 hours? lol
    1 point
  36. Many thanks all around to everyone here. Like the mini SDCC Batmobile and Ghost builds, it was a fun challenge trying to figure how this was built and replicate it. Now I'm not exactly eager to jump back in with another just yet but I do look forward to the next thing. At the moment there is the display stand mentioned in the UCS Slave I that I will give a whirl and see where that leads me. I'm starting to wonder if the designer of the original build may have used clips from another brand such as KREO. I remember some of Orion Pax's commissioned projects in particular Transformers had a mix of LEGO with KREO because certain parts were not officially available in LEGO or KREO has some parts unique to their brand.
    1 point
  37. Nice find! How much did you pay for the lot? Do you just go in to Goodwill and they have Legos laying around? I've never gotten Lego there.
    1 point
  38. Ok i just changed it. And it includes an audio option as well.
    1 point
  39. Yes, it is already ready to go, but needs to be submitted to the app stores. I will have done in the next couple of days. It may take a few weeks for the iOS version to be approved though. If I can provide a download link, I will.
    1 point
  40. 4 Castles 70404 at 90.98$ liquidation from 129.99$ @ Lego shop in MTL x2 vip .. great day !
    1 point
  41. Wow, jumping right in. I have no problem putting something in there for this if the demand is there.
    1 point
  42. How did you come to this prediction!? (not challenging you, just genuinely curious). Star Wars would be nice so i can pick up the last few 7965's.
    1 point
  43. Exactly this... Pet Shop is a better seller at the moment cause people expect it to be next to be chopped. So if your theory is right about PC being not such a good seller, it becomes a self fulfilling prophecy.
    1 point
  44. Congrats. I actually hate the sorting and building. I like the buying and selling part lol. Takes a special kind of person to appreciate that aspect. I guess I don't have the patience. ;)
    1 point
  45. Aah, good old no fee land. Where business is easy and profits are ample.
    1 point
  46. This guy didn't stand a chance
    1 point
  47. like the BANKSY version of the MF looks cool to me
    1 point
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