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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/17/2015 in all areas

  1. Finished set and video Action shot. Notice the blur? Video : Here is a video recently taken of the set without my commentary. Near the end of the video, I included how to remove 1 of the 8 sails for turning off the music box. Basically, you only need to increase the height of the rotating pin so it doesn't press the sound brick's orange button. The sound brick's music can be heard and compared to the amount of noise the PF motor, spinning tire and carousel's elements produce. I also included an "Easter Egg" since April is 2 weeks away.
    11 points
  2. I love how everyone is loving the Delorean now.......5 months ago is was like, "man I hope this XXXX set doesn't go Delorean".......no matter what, sets will retire in time and then when they do everyone always wishes they would have bought more.......including myself.
    8 points
  3. Discounted or not, many of you will be sorry when this set retires and you don't own one.
    8 points
  4. I have 21 at the moment all purchased for $83+ tax. I am selling some of them to other brickpicker members but I would happily pick up any more that I find. Calling others delusional who have clearly been doing this a lot longer than you is a little harsh. 2000th post completed
    8 points
  5. Ewok village and sydney opera on discount at amazon.ca!
    5 points
  6. Set Name: Grand Carousel Set Number: 10196 Theme: Creator, Expert, Exclusive, Sculptures Years Available at Retail : 2009 to 2011 Retaile Price: $249.99 # of Elements: 3,263 # of Minifigs: 9 Introduction : Based on 2009 threads I've read, the set was released to mixed reviews. However, 10196 has aged very well, became an AFOL favortie, and is now among the most expensive sets to purchase. I waited nearly 2 years before finally finding a 10196 that was a "decent" deal (meaning combination of price and condition) Box and Instructions: The box is about the same size as the Ewok Village and recent modular buildings. It measures out to 18.80" x 22.80" x 3.50". The Lego art design dept. did a wonderful job with this one. There are many pictures of the set on the box in "play fashion". One of the more interesting pictures is the one that show exposed elements under the rooftop tent. 2 Instructions booklets are included. Elements: Lego included 25 main bags of elements. 10196 contains 4 "still exclusive to this set" elements plus Power Functions, it is critical to find the "right" set. The exclusive elements are the sound brick, 48x48 green base plate, 8 tan beards and 8 white cloth pirate sails that are used at the rooftop tent. This is one set where it doesn't make much sense to piece it together (aka "bricklink it") as the cost of used elements before postage fees totals around the same price it sells for used. The sails are usually sold in pairs and in lots of 4 or 8 (usually still listed at $80-$100 each per sail) For more pictures, information, and pricing about elements, please refer to
    5 points
  7. But aren't you a little biased? Sent from my HTC6525LVW using Brickpicker mobile app
    5 points
  8. ... Says the guy who has been here for 3 weeks..... Thanks, but with double Vip, no tax, and 20% discount I csnt think of anything I'd rather be buying now. Well maybe falling waters.
    5 points
  9. where is the crease? here is what many would call a bad lego crease and it could still be worse.
    4 points
  10. Don't buy off anywhere online if you absolutely must have a mint box, really.
    4 points
  11. I bought a used Queen Anne's Revenge. Used with instructions and no box. $80
    4 points
  12. That's Fresher than some Yogurts I have in my Refrigerator.
    4 points
  13. Sold a 21103 BTTF for $99.95 on eBay buy it now Edit: An Update. Just sold a 850932 Arctic Polar Accessory Set for $79.95. Wow I did not expect to start moving them this quick.
    4 points
  14. I am betting on supply and demand + uniqueness more than anything. If we were having this conversation in another year and a half, I would be buying a few but not singing this set's praises nearly as much. Investors in Lonely Mountain will profit from the relatively poor execution of the entire franchise by Lego in general. That's the big picture!
    4 points
  15. Strong language, likely to get you in trouble... especially as a newer member who looks to order modulars 5 at a time from LEGO Shop at Home, had no idea B&****** stocked Lego, believes the Winter Village theme is played out, and is grabbing multiple Battle of the Five Armies at an average discount... A little humility goes a long way around here. Please take it as friendly advice. And, I will answer your question. I think once it is SOLD OUT, it will immediately surpass $150 unless TRU magically appears with endless pallets of them. It will easily double MSRP within 2-3 years of effective EOL, AND be a steady gainer for years afterward (unlike many sets in themes that never die). I see $500 potential in this set in due time, no problem. Of course I could be wrong but my money is going where my mouth is...
    4 points
  16. Always good to sell 38 sets in a single transaction. $1800 with postage.
    4 points
  17. Good news fellow Michiganders : http://m.clickondetroit.com/family/legoland-coming-to-great-lakes-corssing/31822492
    3 points
  18. 3D, HFR, maturation of the international market, 15 years of inflation, decline of civilization... all factors in this. I blame 50 shades of gray.
    3 points
  19. And yet the Hobbit trilogy did a higher box office gross than LOTR trilogy...
    3 points
  20. $3.11 is cost for postage on this set
    3 points
  21. I just sold my first item on ebay ;-) LEGO 7965 Millennium Falcon: 77
    3 points
  22. I am extremely excited to announce my new book, "The LEGO Architect" will be published later this year by the awesome team at No Starch Press. The book explores popular architectural styles like Neoclassical, Art Deco, Modernism, Brutalism, Postmodernism, and High-tech architecture through LEGO. The cover features an amazing LEGO model of Unit
    3 points
  23. Oh come on Ken. I was near a WM and went in to check mixel pricing today. I found them at a whopping $.97 off. Wooo hoooo!!!. We have crappy clearance deals for WM here in NC. It seems to be state wide. I feel your pain.
    2 points
  24. I think if you are a box queen then that would be the first responsible thing you should do prior to purchasing. Give the seller a chance to use kid gloves on you or blacklist. Grovelling after the fact for a partial discount while holding the seller hostage is not cool. Just MO.
    2 points
  25. Yeah you left some money there. Could have paid for the one you bought and then some.
    2 points
  26. That's basically the only winner in the whole theme atm. It has been rising in price despite walmart/TRU putting them on clearance, if I were you I'd buy/flip them or hold until xmas when its hopefully/likely hitting $200
    2 points
  27. I have sold all of my Tumbler and Batwing polys in the last few weeks. Sold them as two packs tumbler/batwing for 14 then 15 then 16 shipped and it seemed like every day I sent one out. Completely out now. Considering what I paid for them that was pretty profitable, I wish I had 100 more of each. So easy to store and so easy to stuff in an envelope and put in the mail box. On a related note, my piles of SW polys are still worthless for the most part...
    2 points
  28. Slave 1 at TRU.com using $60 R Us rewards from the mail with free shipping + tax down to $153. Figured buy it now before the $60 expired and don't have to sweat it later. Have one already built in Ikea Detolf...it's a beauty!
    2 points
  29. Try price-based sorting at Walmart.com. That will make you feel better about amazon...
    2 points
  30. I bought two Ecto-1 sets last night off of ebay. $44 each, free shipping and no tax. I'm happy with the price since these haven't really been discounted anywhere. It seems like when people are selling multiple sets and you want to buy more than one they seem to be okay with a bit of a lower offer since you are buying more than one. At least that has been the case with me.
    2 points
  31. Welcome lukie13... This question has been asked and answered a few times.... and to be honest, there is no right or wrong answer. Did you buy this set to build or invest? Do you consider yourself a "box snob"? Is it worth your time and effort to complain about a relatively minor crease - maybe the picture doesn't do it justice, but it doesn't look too serious. The general consensus is that minor issues with a box like that won't affect the value. Giant gashes or tears, but minor creasing, shelf-wear, corner crushing are pretty common and people who buy to build won't really care. Many people around here are very careful with their listings - mentioning any and all damage especially with more expensive sets to avoid just these types of questions. Personally, if you got it for a good price or are planning on building it some day I wouldn't worry about it. Leave feedback, move on to the next. And just an FYI - your first five posts need to be mod-approved. It's a step to reduce spammers from registering and posting spam to the forum never to return. Welcome again and please feel free to hang out in the Canada forums.
    2 points
  32. Just remember, we are all but a little fishy in a big bucket of chum.
    2 points
  33. Really, there should be no hate for this set. Awesome character. Awesome maxifigure. The set itself is solid with some unique colors and parts. My only issue is finding it at a discount, which I haven't yet. But that hasn't stopped me from buying at full MSRP. I fear this set might just disappear before seeing too many discounts.
    2 points
  34. The box these ship in is 30 cents (uline s-4062). Profit also goes up when people buy 2-3 per shot which is fairly common for families with multipe kids. Its a great little money making set that doesn't require much buy in which is nice for some members looking to build up. You can clear $5 a set. Sure its not a ton but sell 60 of them in 2 weeks and it adds up. I don't pass up good selling items whether it is a $20 sale or a $1000 sale. Sales are sales.
    2 points
  35. Sell for $25, $7 fees/shipping. $8 profit (depending on tax/supplies), you have 80% ROI instantly. A lot less at $19.99, wait them out, you will be fine Sent from my SAMSUNG-SM-N910A using Brickpicker mobile app
    2 points
  36. When I first saw the title of this thread I was expecting to see Ross, Monica, Chandler, Joey, Phoebe, and Rachel in LEGO forms :D
    2 points
  37. First of all, you can't lump LOTR and Hobbit fans together. I was a HUGE LOTR fan. I saw all three of the movies at midnight shows on the the eve of opening day. LOTR was a global phenomenom. The third film of the trilogy swept the Oscars that year. The Hobbit was a completely different story. My summarization would be, beloved children's book stretched out into three overbloated pieces of fan fiction. I can name 20 friends that were huge into LOTR. My parents were into it. My sister, who normally hates fantasy was all about it. I can't name a single friend or acquaintance that cared for the Hobbit films. I think a Lego set based on a licensed property needs fans to appreciate at a good rate. This is not Harry Potter. I don't even think Diagon Alley is at $500 yet. Good grief.
    2 points
  38. Valid in U.S. stores, online or by phone. Expires March 21, 2015 40% offyour $50 purchase of packing and shipping supplies. In-store Coupon Code: 54355 Online or Phone Coupon Code: 85821 This coupon stacks with $25 off $75 from ebay... just ordered some boxes.
    2 points
  39. Frying pan from kmart shipped
    2 points
  40. Last update, a good one luckily! Feeling very fortunate..posted this below at Amz, keep being careful out there guys: I am very glad to report this had a good ending. Amazon has reversed the disbursement and put the funds back in my account. Barring anything else going wrong, they will be paid on the next run. Still not sure how I was hacked, don't think it was fishing or a key logger, but I got some good advice and will be using a password system going forward that will be much more complicated, hopefully that helps. I'll also double check that my bank info hasn't been changed every couple of days and especially leading up to payouts until an extra layer of security is in place for changing bank info. Thanks again all (and Amazon for coming through...now add that extra security please!).
    2 points
  41. 2 points
  42. Respectfully, I completely disagree. I don't see the big problem in the playset, but I haven't built it - only watched the video. More for the money? Obviously that would be nice... but this has THE daddy of all Dragons, plain and simple. It's what the book was all about, really, and certainly represents some favorite scenes from the movies. Was LotR about Helm's Deep? Nah, it was arguably the best battle scene in the trilogy, I will grant you. Wow factor? I don't see any in HD. I built it, thought it was a bit better than my low expectations, and took it apart a week later. Smaug, on the other hand... well, he inspires awe, plain and simple: http://community.brickpicker.com/topic/7149-10237-the-tower-of-orthanc/page-35#entry432828 I'm not trying to tear anyone's opinion down, but rather help folks understand that, from an investment standpoint, this set is looking like a BIG ONE at the moment. It has lots of magical ingredients. If you don't like it, no sweat. But if you need to find a place to put some money and see it grow, this is probably a far better bet than you may think. There could be less of these made than ToO. There are surely MANY less out there than UG, probably HD, or possibly ANY LotR/Hobbit set. And it is arguably the most iconic of all. Let's face it, we are paying huge for the dragon, a little more for the other minifigs, and the rest is gravy. Hobbit fans who get into Lego a year or more from now are going fork over whatever it takes to get this set. If you missed out on Town Hall, don't get fooled again...
    2 points
  43. True, but the horde is scary!
    1 point
  44. 1 point
  45. after building 10196, i'll probably spring for a Fairgrounds Mixer since Power Functions can be added. I have an extra battery pack, motor and sound brick to use with it so buying that set makes sense.
    1 point
  46. Given that TH's retirement did not follow any established pattern, I think that it's difficult to draw in conclusions based on it. If I had to guess, I'd say that PS will disappear completely in late summer or early fall with the exception of a few popping up here and there on Amazon. This is pure speculation, but is based on the fact that FB retired 2 years ago, GE retired 1 year ago, and before the botched run of FBs back in 2011 (or was it 2012), one modular would retire every year.
    1 point
  47. 1 point
  48. That's the bat wings effect my friend. Batman is buying tons of these.
    1 point
  49. Yes but beware, it's dangerous. You won't get my code !
    1 point
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