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Showing content with the highest reputation on 08/27/2014 in all areas

  1. I popped into Wal-Mart where I've been watching some older sets for discounts. They have an entire 2-sided isle of legos marked down and an additional 50% off the marked price. I spent $2000, but scored 10 Lego 9398 for $45 each; 3 Millenium Falcons for $32 each; SW Jek 14 $15 each; and 5 Goblin Attack Sets for $22 each. I also grabbed a bunch of smaller sets for kid's Christmas gifts. I broke the bank, but I'm set for Christmas selling. The only set I left behind was TMNT Shell Raiser. I figure if they have to discount them when the new movie just came out than TMNT must be a loser. Now I have to bust the blow dryer to pull off the clearance stickers without damaging the sets.
    5 points
  2. received my stash of 10221. this time TRU surprised me. they all came in LEGO package. of course 2/box. all from 11/12. and i didn't bother checking the seal the seal of 1 single looks like it 50R1. i would have preferred that they shipped my previous order like this as well...
    4 points
  3. I got this deal on EBAY last friday but did not want to post until I actually received them. I tought it was to good to be true. It was on the toysrus canada ebay page. The deal lasted like 5 minutes and it was all gone (well five minutes after I got there) I managed to get 5 Fire Transporter (4430) at 11.50$ CAN shipped and tax included. Pretty sweet deal but tought they might cancel the order. But they got here today Will be an easy flip for christmas at around 55$ a piece around here. Should I hold to one or two? Its retired and its kind of a unique fire set.
    3 points
  4. I just spoke to lego. I can confirm that it's coming back will be confirmed once it's confirmed that it's not coming back is confirmed.
    2 points
  5. Excellent...those with Series 1, high-five!
    2 points
  6. Then he is left wide open to a buyer making a case of "item not as described" which seems to be going around lately anymore. It's best to cover your butt by simply being honest.
    2 points
  7. If a major restock is coming, we can all just re-Tweet the heck out of that NYT article and get the ball rolling again.
    2 points
  8. Careful, you're handling hotcakes using that strategy! We don't get that many deals, don't hog them all! And if you do that too often, we might just have to resurrect the White House posts from that other thread to recover a little national pride....
    2 points
  9. My Wal-Mart reports that all Wal-MArts are clearing space for new Super Hero and Turtle Sets coming in this week. The amount clearance depends on the space available
    2 points
  10. I saw this over on Brickset, so they should start showing up soon.
    2 points
  11. I'm going to let TOK start the Creator 2015 thread, and do all his magic there. But wanted to get this out there. The Brick Fan posted the first rumored Creator 2015 sets. They include: Blue Racer Sea Plane Cargo Helicopter Red Go-Kart Vehicle Transporter Beach Hut Toy & Grocery Shop The Toy & Grocery Shop sounds similar to this year's Bike Shop & Cafe. To me, that's awesome. I like the idea of smaller buildings, lower cost entry point, multiple designs, and filling a niche that's missing in the city theme. I bought two of the Bike Shop & Cafes, because I like two of the three designs a lot. They're much smaller, so easier to display within my Winter Village and Halloween Town displays. I wanted a City Hall, but compared to the rest of the buildings in my display, City Hall would just dwarf them. I like this much better.
    1 point
  12. This is a topic for another thread, but buying LEGO on credit is a viable practice...and actually smart at times. Using someone else's money to buy an appreciating asset(especially when bought at a discount) works for many on this site. You just have to be careful not to overextend one's self.
    1 point
  13. Nah, I would thank you for your environmental efforts
    1 point
  14. Oh ok, I misunderstood situation then. Like Ed Mack said, it is a very good investment. If I say i'd never buy a set above retail, i'd be a hypocrite because I bought 2 rovers at 45
    1 point
  15. One is licensed, the other isn't perhaps? If Lego has paid for a Ghostbusters license, they're going to want to make the best of it for its duration. A small set of a few generic minifigs and some bits and bobs (RI) selling at $20 a go, probably isn't worth taking any further, even with the high (for now) demand. They'll have a new Ideas set out soon enough to cash in on.
    1 point
  16. A Tumbler or Maersk Triple E on September 1st is a nice deal with the extra freebies from LEGO S@H.
    1 point
  17. The masses don't buy $400+ sets but the death star has been one of the hottest sets since its creation hence it's lengthy shelf life. Be weary what someone with money will to to get their hands on something highly sought after
    1 point
  18. So glad I hadn't learned about this when the promo started in June. I might have had to go tricker treating as Fat Bastard.
    1 point
  19. I don't see what legodelorean said in a wrong way. He did not present it as fact. He clearly cited the source. He did say "If you find more RI's around buy them. This one is hot". but... "If you find more RI's around buy them." - of course you will. You'll stomp each other if lingering amount shows up anywhere "This one is hot" - duh? He could have mentioned it in "employee thread" instead, but it does have relevance to this thread, so he would have to post in both places anyway.
    1 point
  20. I just spoke to a lego employment was told they are starting a new line it's called blast from the past where they will remake all retired sets that r in demand.... Starting with RI cause its retired and the most in demand now. Followed by a certain Falcon. Ugh. People speaking in fact is annoying. U know nothing. I know nothing.
    1 point
  21. Defiantly. If a lego employee told you its a fact.
    1 point
  22. I did make one minor change to the front using a light bley 1x8 door rail.
    1 point
  23. Just when we thought we were done collecting Simpsons Minifigures... The Brick Fan is reporting that a EuroBricks member is reporting that David Thomson is reporting that the Simpsons minifigures will return for wave 2 in 2015. via The Brick Fan
    1 point
  24. I think I was thinking of Jerky Turkey and seems it was a brown bear carrying around the "Eat at Joe's" board.https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k7GcRcxDdnU
    1 point
  25. I got 25 of these at 50% off. Hoping to move some in the next 2 months
    1 point
  26. On Brickset there is also a link to THIS: Now I think this is the ugly one, not the bat. Seriously, what's up with the size of this turkey's head? And where is its neck? Also its beak looks like a duck's. LEGO, how could you mess this up this much?
    1 point
  27. thanks for sharing the photo. i personally like it. don't see what the fuss is about especially for about $10 (or so). kids will love building this fun looking halloween set.
    1 point
  28. I think at 50% - 75% off, you can't go wrong, but there's not much potential growth there over MSRP.
    1 point
  29. Well, I did get to the point where I was just going in and buying the toys/coupons straight up for a buck a piece. Although, I did have loads of free waffle cone frosty vouchers I cashed in on while I was there. I can eat, but I can also lose it when I need to. It's a fine balance.
    1 point
  30. Exciter, if I hadn't seen a picture of you I would have guessed you looked like someone off Honey Boo Boo with all these food things. I mean you ate at Wendy's last year like 30 times in a month.
    1 point
  31. a local australian lego website (bricking around) posted this sale so hopefully they had confirmation that it applied to lego. also looking at the myer catalogue lego is not listed as an exclusion. i would escalate to the manager of the department if i were you.
    1 point
  32. I think these sets more follow my theory that a big factor in a sets after retirement growth is HOW the set retires. Most of these LOTR sets were available up until Christmas. There wasn't a shortage, they didn't just disappear. They were around still for a while found in clearance isles, at TRU etc. This dampens it. I think after the Christmas boom hits and people realize they can't find these sets at all anywhere anymore, they will grow more. And when the whole LOTR theme is gone and we just have hobbit.
    1 point
  33. That's because I'm awesome. Oh, and also because it was a freebie in Europe in July 1-7th for any purchase above 30
    1 point
  34. Castle 7094 and 7091 + extra figures and horses on ebay. $200. Paid $125 for the sets a couple years ago and extra figures were amassed from CL finds and the like. CC bill came today, so it was nice to move this along, wife was a bit surprised at my portion of the bill this month.
    1 point
  35. Signed. You are the greatest toy company in the world. These are arguably the greatest books ever written - so full of imagery they spawned an entire genre. Make money. Gouge me even. But do not screw this up. Rivendell (unforgivable - crucial to both trilogies) Gondor (enormous oversight given everyone would want to buy it) Mount Doom (disappointing)
    1 point
  36. I thought it was a bunny, my son came right up and said "it's a bat, not a bunny". So there you go, you have to be 8 to understand the set.
    1 point
  37. The one I think that will do well is the Unexpected Gathering. It is iconic to both tales. There are not a lot of sets that have the ability to show up in a number of different movies. Also, I always wonder if they will make a movie out of the tale of the return to the shire at the end of the Return of the King, the battle of Wormtoungue. . They pretty much skipped over it in the movie but since they made three movies out of the Hobbit it can't be too hard to plan a movie for this story and make half a billion dollars. Either way - I still think the hobbit house is cool and under appreciated as a scene piece.
    1 point
  38. $1 and change isn't going to kill your investment. Any illustration on here should automatically be assumed with the following disclosure: All prices and numbers are for illustration purposes only and should be reviewed based upon your financial situation and tax status. Please calculate the only your necessary numbers to ensure personal accuracy, otherwise give up.
    1 point
  39. I got several at tru when supraboy was around and going on and on and on about them. Was a deal that out them at 25.60 I belive total delivered. I've gotten several at Barnes and Noble for 20-22 dollars depending on if I got them in MD where I live in Delaware where there is no tax.
    1 point
  40. I'm just saying I'd dump mine at $75, wouldn't you?
    1 point
  41. Considering Brickpicker doesn't sell anything, my vote is for Brickowl on this one
    1 point
  42. In a box of 30, there's 3 complete sets of 9, plus an extra set of one of the tribes. I think in series 1, there's an extra set of infernites; and series 2 its frosticons.
    1 point
  43. The new turtle designs are terrible. The cartoon minifigs look much better. Maybe the movie sets features are better but I don't really care about that. I prefer the cartoon sets over the movie sets. It's the closest I'll get to the original late 80's/90's cartoon series. I can't let go of the fact that it's a crap movie by Michael Bay, Megan Fox is in it and I dislike her in movies, and the turtles look like freakin' orcs from Lord of the Rings. Just my personal opinion.
    1 point
  44. somewhere emazers is shaking his fists in disgust for you not buying them at $399~ during the last 4 years. he only reminded us a couple times per year.
    1 point
  45. Both lines are crap. I could not sell the sets for 2x MSRP when they were still in production. Blah blah blah boring, blah blah blah small, blah blah blah brown * *The last set I criticized / blasted did rather well after EOL.. so here is hoping
    1 point
  46. I definitely agree that this just needs more time. The selling prices are deceptive because most people bought these at a big discount, so most sellers only need to get to 25% over retail to double their money. For the majority of investment sets, it takes 2 years after retirement for a set to sell for twice retail. Everyone's feeling on investing has been skewed by the huge returns on a few high profile sets. Be patient, and every set in the LoTR line will do just fine, especially if you are comparing it to average returns in the stock market.
    1 point
  47. In this case you say "Oh, I only brought enough cash for the original price we agreed upon, can you wait here while I go to the ATM?" Then you go grab a cup of coffee, check daily deals thread on BP, go to supermarket to get some groceries, watch a few movies at the theater, go on a vacation to Cancun, then come back and tell the guy it turns out you didn't have your debit card on you. Because screw people who don't stick to their price.
    1 point
  48. Don't you live in San Diego? Take a break and go outside. I recommend Cabrillo National Monument. I used to de-stress up there when I lived in Mission Beach. Oh and right now I'm building this, it's the second one I've done this week! I recently got a few great lots.
    1 point
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