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Showing content with the highest reputation on 08/08/2014 in all areas

  1. This is why I circumvent the stupidity of myself by not having children. You might say "What if you do by accident"? I just practice Abstinence. Its easy when you are married.
    6 points
  2. Hi All. Just finished my Mini Cooper changeover project. I really didn't like the green so I went for the more Classic Cooper look. What do you guys think?? I also put it up eBay item number: 111429812246
    5 points
  3. Finally got some time and built my Exo-Suit. Awesome set....just flat out amazing..... I think he is fitting into his home quite nicely... Even the Turtle has already met some kindred spirits.... A lot more girls in space these days Now to acquire more
    5 points
  4. I hate when people buy multiples of a set yet they are unsure of its investment potential. The exo suit comes to mind. People are buying these by the caseload whining about whether or not it will be a winner and saying o well if not I have x amount of days to return. Meanwhile some can't even get one to build. Butthurt in 3......2.....1....
    5 points
  5. Great idea! Here you go....sorry for the mess on my kitchen table. Knee deep in a few other projects right now lol.
    4 points
  6. I'm getting really annoyed at the latest selling tactic on Kijiji.... "Make me an offer but don't lowball me because a local collector told me how much they are worth." Oh really? They are worth $0 unless you can sell them. Sent from Multi-Post iPod touch using Brickpicker
    4 points
  7. Well, if it happened on the day when exo-suit and research institute were released, then 7 year old may have looked out of place there. All the weird looking dudes with shifty eyes mumbling some codes would have been more common
    3 points
  8. The end of another hard day at the office. Sent from my iPhone using Brickpickeraaaaaaaswssssswssa
    3 points
  9. Your wives should be arrested for leaving her "children" unattended lol
    2 points
  10. When I was a kid I always ran to the toy store or section while my mom shopped. This is dumb
    2 points
  11. Yeah because I'm gonna buy something from someone with 6 feedbacks and a member named hightimes. Lol thanks for the post.
    2 points
  12. I got a Black Pearl and a Queen Ann's Revenge MISB
    2 points
  13. Been doing some more building to get sets ready for ebay/brick trader/craigslist. Finished 6762 Fort Legoredo today and 6763 Rapid River Village yesterday. Moving onto Pirates sets next.
    2 points
  14. Since we have a pretty popular "Complaint Thread", I thought it might be a good idea to start an "I Love It! Thread". I'd like to begin with: I love it when I make a big $500 or more purchase because of a sale or great deal and shortly afterward make enough back in sales to cover the costs and then some. It helps with the buyer's guilt.
    1 point
  15. so yesterday i was at walmart and i saw a huge display of 60032-1 that had a price above it that read 3$. this being a new set, i was curious and went around to the in store price check kiosks, each one said: see sales associate. i figured hey, if says 3$ im gonna get it for 3$. after a heated discussion at the register, i went back with an employee to show them where i found it. they looked at the display with a very aggravated look on their face and well i got it for 3$. yes i was tempted to get more than one, but hey, i didnt want to be too greedy.
    1 point
  16. 1 point
  17. Built the Imperial Hotel. My GF bought it for me for my birthday...I had never done an architecture set. Unfortunately I might be hooked now. (looking at you Trevi Fountain).
    1 point
  18. Gotta love a pricing error. Here in Australia, if you're in a supermarket (grocery store) and an item scans at the register at a higher price than is ticketed on the shelf, you get the first one free and any others at the correct price. Once scored a $16 box of ice creams that way. Needless to say, if I buy a small Lego set there, I watch the register pricing very closely.
    1 point
  19. Between the parts I have on hand and 3 Bricklink orders, I was able to put 2 x SDCC batmobiles together for about $30. Now I need to figure out the cheapest way to get my hands on the Juniors minifigs.
    1 point
  20. Yeah, there's a big difference between saying "let's all set the price minimum at $x" and you making an informed decision on your own to sell something at a similar price as what I've sold it at. It's just another source of information, like reviewing eBay sold listings.
    1 point
  21. I'm actually glad you asked. I've thought about it, but wasn't sure if it was bad form. If we have as much power as we think we've got, then we should be keeping each other informed. It does pay to do whether things are moving up or down. I also don't believe in undercutting each other. If we can keep ourselves from doing that, it drives prices up, not down.
    1 point
  22. I am told often that she isnt sure if im here husband or her kid.... Lol
    1 point
  23. me and my boys always leave mom to go to the lego aisle, that being said, are they still supervised?
    1 point
  24. A little late but I thought this was appropriate.
    1 point
  25. Just received this: Dear LEGO customer, Thanks for ordering the LEGO
    1 point
  26. http://www.ebay.com/itm/like/251610822183?item=251610822183&lgeo=1&vectorid=229466 One Tumbler in hand already for sale - more pics of box if any body is interested.
    1 point
  27. 3 6868 $35 1 6863 $25 1 6873 $21 1 6864 $35 3 9466 $35 All at a walmart. Went for a batcave the app said they had. No batcave but a whole lot more
    1 point
  28. Let's be grateful they didn't make any sacrifices to the beautiful aesthetics of the model just to accommodate a feature that doesn't even work on a kids set.
    1 point
  29. Since it's a UCS set aimed at AFOLs I see why they omitted flick fires.
    1 point
  30. finished the winter village cottage 10229,really like it great set, thinking of getting some of the other winter village sets to go with it.
    1 point
  31. Whaat ?? No flick missiles ? I am soo disappointed Seriously though, out of any models, the Tumbler should be the one WITH (flick) missile launchers
    1 point
  32. Exo back at Amazon limit of two
    1 point
  33. Sorry had to do it one of my all time favs
    1 point
  34. If you use cardboard, make sure the corrugated bits (flutes) are parallel to the spine of the instructions. Cardboard resists bending across the flutes rather than the same direction. Also the more flutes per foot the better which coincidentally enough seems to be what you get with thinner cardboard anyways. At least this way, if the instructions get bent a little they'll bend in a way less likely to damage them.
    1 point
  35. I'm in. PM sent Sent from my Passport using Brickpicker mobile app
    1 point
  36. I don't think turning over the set makes it any smaller, right?
    1 point
  37. Just finished Market Street and Parisian Restaurant. Market Street was much cooler than the pictures online...but definitely not the best modular. Parisian Restaurant has an insane level of detail, a somewhat meticulous build but stunning when finished!
    1 point
  38. You probably can try rear steering on this set with some technic pieces. Front steering will be very hard to implement.
    1 point
  39. It would be nice to have a small army of drones to hunt for Lego clearance deals in your area.
    1 point
  40. lol it happened again. Someone opened a case because I shipped them a new lego set...unbuilt. Because, "the picture on the box shows it built and I need a replacement". You can't make this stuff up. TBH I think it's an alt account of a bitter buyer who lost a case and she is trying to up my defect rate. Whadya gonna do.
    1 point
  41. I'm giving NMM the conspiracy theorist badge ;)
    1 point
  42. I'm bullish. I'd spend 70 or less.
    1 point
  43. The proof is right here.... I am a woman and a scientist... Master's degree in medical biology to be exact.
    1 point
  44. As I have mentioned before, it is my opinion that this set won't be around long. It was designed and produced to appease the masses....
    1 point
  45. Your above description kind of makes you sound like a male prostitute.
    1 point
  46. I can't speak for the other mods, but I can appreciate a bit of sanity injected into the forum every so often. Sent from my iPhone using Brickpicker
    1 point
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