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Showing content with the highest reputation on 08/05/2014 in all areas

  1. I wouldn't be very worried if I were you. If it is the set for early release on the 18th then there will be plenty to be had. I highly doubt Lego would allow it to,sell out before it's actual release date to non VIP members on the 1st. On a side note the amount of paranoia and craziness and worrying that has been going on lately is ridiculous. Almost every set that is ever released, with the exception of a few,(zombies, LE technic crawler) being the only ones I can name off the top of my head, will be available to purchase without fear of missing out on it. I used to love reading and posting on these forums but lately people, not singling anyone out here, but people in General have just become almost obsessed it seems with stuff like I didn't get an order confirmation, is something wrong, should I call Lego? Should I order again? Anyone else have this problem? Your order ship yet? Am I banned? When is this set that isn't even released gonna retire and how much is it gonna be worth. I need to know now now now! It's ridiculous. Mods feel free to move or remove this post to an appropriate forum topic. Or delete it if it is too harshly worded.
    11 points
  2. Rob D. (agaethon29) built what most of us looked like early in the morning on August 1st.
    5 points
  3. Omg.. how cool is that! Hopefully I walk in a toystore in a remote town far from here one day, and its inventory looks like this:
    4 points
  4. Here are your two mystery minifigures: Onacanda Farr Juno Eclipse
    3 points
  5. People would notice that one I am pretty sure, however I scored an MSRP Green Grocer last year while being in a small countryside town.
    3 points
  6. I do not see the upside of accumulating VIP points. I use the $ off the next time I order. If you are banned, them points go poofed.
    3 points
  7. I'm in the 20+ catagory for the LEGO movie with a 6 and an 8 year old. I've got to be in the 75-100 range with Frozen and probably 500+ with "Let It Go" song alone. I knew it was bad when I plugged my phone into the car stereo on my way to work and didn't change the song until "Let It Go" finished playing. My daughter has me trained well.
    2 points
  8. I've got a seven year old and a four year old, so I've seen it at least ten times. Maybe not the whole way through each time, but enough so that I have about 2/3 of the movie memorized. Don't even get me started on the horror that is Frozen... All I'll say about that is I had a batchelorette party go out on my boat and "Let It Go" was the first song that played when they plugged a phone into the PA, I did a very good rendition at the top of my lungs. And then hung my head in shame.
    2 points
  9. I haven't received a single Exo Suit so far... not even 1 out of 3 different orders placed August 1st 11:00 Dutch time. I am disappointed. I have had a total of 9201 VIP points according to them, that's almost
    2 points
  10. Kurt...And Nirvanas' place in rock history was secure well before his passing.
    2 points
  11. Well if anybody thinks that the Tumbler will retire in a year, well load up on them, but I am willing to bet it will be out until at least the end of 2016, now if you have plenty of money to buy lots of Tumblers well buy them, but I would be getting TB,PS,HH R2-D2,Simpson houses and a few other Exclusives for 2015, and don't forget the Batman Ayslum. or if you think you can flip these for Christmas and make money well do it. but guys on tight budgets I would not be loading up on Tumblers until next year. Ed
    2 points
  12. I guess that is my main point. The 10188, Ewok Village and Sandcrawler are all great sets, but they are "play" sets and not UCS IMO. The box art of a "play" set should show off its play features...after all, it was designed for kids. I always thought UCS were adult oriented display sets and should be treated as such. I really think LEGO has missed out on a wonderful marketing opportunity the past 10-12 years and make the UCS the "premium" theme of LEGO. They could have made many different types of UCS sets...boats, plains, trains, busts of characters, etc... Even the new Maersk Triple E and Tumbler would qualify. Just a couple of thoughts...
    2 points
  13. if the order shipped and haven't got emails, you aren't gonna get any.
    2 points
  14. Thanks TOK appreciate you taking the time to review the files I sent and fix up my mistakes. The colours can be a bit confusing across apps and Bricklink and it takes a seasoned pro to find those. Hope this helps some folks.
    2 points
  15. Not just the mods. The paranoia and severe lack of patience recently has been bewildering.
    2 points
  16. I can't speak for the other mods, but I can appreciate a bit of sanity injected into the forum every so often. Sent from my iPhone using Brickpicker
    2 points
  17. The Lonely Mountain set is due to be launched October 15th.
    2 points
  18. You would think at $50/hr you could afford a phone that doesn't double post all the time.
    2 points
  19. If that's not your style so be it, keep your criticism of other members to yourself.
    2 points
  20. For me, I wanted to add some to my inventory for 2 reasons. One, diversification, as I don't have anything like it yet. Two, the history of Mars Rover showed the the Exo Suit had potential to quickly double the investment. I agree that checking on the brick & mortar store daily for inventory wouldn't be worth it at this investment/return level. But ordering 10+ online from Target with a few clicks? Sure, why not. Aside, please don't judge others who choose to spend their time buying LEGO instead of getting a sun tan. To each his own.
    2 points
  21. http://www.wired.com/2014/08/lego-cost/
    1 point
  22. I literally could have written this exact post, minus the "Let It Go" anecdote, and changing the kids' ages to 5 and 3. They are completely obsessed with both movies. I've only watched each movie maybe twice straight through, but I've seen enough ~20 minute chunks such that I can safely say I've seen every minute of both a solid 20-30 times. If not more. I can pretty much quote the Lego Movie from beginning to end. I can't honestly say this is something I'm proud of. My kids bust out the quotes all the time too. The other day my 3yr old woke me up with: "he is coming. cover your butt." It was pretty comical. Sent from my iPhone using Brickpicker
    1 point
  23. Inside Tour. Got banned while on the tour...that was fun. And "protesting" to the CEO didn't even work.
    1 point
  24. The misses doesn't appreciate my updated collection so I thought I would share it with those who might.
    1 point
  25. 10231 Shuttle Expedition $188 on Ebay with 4X bucks promo
    1 point
  26. See, now I really don't like the new Sandcrawler box. If it was a regular STAR WARS set, cool...it looks nice, but it is a UCS set and it doesn't stand out to me. It's not classic in any way. LEGO needs to make the UCS boxes special. They are special sets. I want a mature look to them. Honestly, the Sandcrawler is not even UCS quality in my eyes anyway. It reminds me of the 10188....cute and corny.
    1 point
  27. Tell you what, If the SSD Does come back in stock, All the Flippers, Investors, Hoarders, The entire secondary Market, Will be Pissed as Hell. Do You hear me Lego!......You better not Produce more of this set!
    1 point
  28. Don't feel bad, when I first saw this thread I googled gold benny like crazy and contemplated weighing the 10 benny's spaceship sets I have stashed and tearing into any that weighed more. Then I said, ahhhh man they got me.
    1 point
  29. Don't tell me that. I'm literally going to morrow to add my sister to my plan. Fantastic. I wish everything in life was as simple as lego investing and lifting weights.
    1 point
  30. This boxart was shown on a local Lego forum, but I can't find anything to confirm if it is correct.
    1 point
  31. When does the amount of money you make dictate the type of person you are.... I don't see the correlation.
    1 point
  32. Time even posted about this may not appeal to all but it's kinda a history breaking set right now and has room to grow at only 20 dollars it's a no brainer pick up cheap and small.
    1 point
  33. My haul arrived today. SSD (TRU): 42R1, minty fresh HH (Target): 28R4, 4 out of 5 minty fresh GE (TRU): 27R4 (x2) and 04R4 (x4), all minty fresh
    1 point
  34. Where do you find an ihop that doesn't give you food poisoning?
    1 point
  35. Agreed. I think you need to look at price per gram if comparing a box of 1x1 tiles and a city ship that has a one piece hull.
    1 point
  36. Alright everybody, after some last edits, fatboycarney has perfected the file for uploading a wanted list. You can download the txt file here. If you can
    1 point
  37. I had a box from TRU that looked like it dated Chris Brown, so I figured I'd pop the seals and put it together. After all, I should make enough selling the MISB units I still have to pay for this one, and even if I decide to sell it the used model will still pull what I paid in retail. But I digress... There was a fair portion of space that could be eliminated internally, but if they do so they should also thicken the outer box, which would counter the smaller box size. It was packaged into 3 smaller, inner boxes (okay, 4 if you count the one the manual was in). With all the bags being numbered, they could have just put it all in the big outer box and saved quite a bit of space. I would say that if it were packed according to content, the outer box could have been up to 20% smaller. That said, there is quite a bit of childish glee popping open a box that size to play with the toys.
    1 point
  38. Deep in the seals it's wearing. Factory tight and I can't stop staring.
    1 point
  39. Hmmm, you are on page 42 of a thread about a set that "won't make anyone rich" and are calling for people to stop spending their time "rotating in and out of the lego store"... These affirmations must come after reading a lot of posts from other users... Quite conflicting ideas I get about them poor souls.
    1 point
  40. Not sure if I missed this before. The 6862 Superman Power Armor Lex set is now tagged as "Retiring Soon". Yay Sent from an iPhone using the Brickpicker app
    1 point
  41. Suspicious (high quantity) LEGO Shop at Home orders are flagged by Lego CS and forwarded to your nation's national intelligence agencies (NSA, etc.) for further review. Whether or not any particular order results in a banning will depend on a thorough analysis of the buyer's entire online history and any political or other interest group affiliations. You can improve your chances by making an immediate, generous donation to whichever political party is currently in power in your country. It also helps to call up your president or prime minister using your home phone and declare your heartfelt support for all of his or her current policies...
    1 point
  42. I agree that is a great price to sell. I don't think it's going to go any higher than that, and will probably go down from there. The main draw with the mini T1 was the officially licensed WV sticker for the front, and the fact that it really does look like a mini T1 camper. I just got done building the big mini and the mini mini, and the small version doesn't look like the big model at all. Also... happy 1000th post to me
    1 point
  43. 7346 - Seaside House:1 small bag1 medium bag1 large bag (Inside: 1 tiny bag)2 large bags1 16x16 green plate + 1 tan 8x16 plate3 instruction booklets (1st - Seaside House, 2nd - Vacation Apartment, 3rd - House with Beach Hut)TOTAL = 5 unnumbered bags
    1 point
  44. 6211 Imperial Star Destroyer 23 sealed bags (excluding small bags inside some of these).
    1 point
  45. Mini Cooper #10242 2 x #1 bags 3 x #2 bags 3 x #3 bags 2 sheets of stickers 2 instruction manuals
    1 point
  46. You're certainly not kidding about the Retail pricing of Lego here vs the US. Us Aussies get absolutely slaughtered at the register. There's still a few good deals to be had from time to time though.
    1 point
  47. Pfff... $200 in the US and
    1 point
  48. Batman is so awesome he deserves his own section Seriously, before LEGO introduced the SuperHeroes line, the original Batman sets were under their own Batman line / theme
    1 point
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