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Showing content with the highest reputation on 07/22/2014 in all areas

  1. Please..not data from Ed or Jeff.. ..Random, chaotic speculation is better
    5 points
  2. Same thing was said about the Fire Brigade which was the most stocked set by members overall before being retired and look how that scenario turned out.
    5 points
  3. Not evil at all, it's just business, customer still has choice to buy or not. When they are selling MHC for $16, everyone loves them!
    4 points
  4. Fair enough. Apology accepted. By the way, Tony's address is 633 Stag Trail Road, North Caldwell NJ. His phone number is 201-867-5309 if you want to call and vent.
    4 points
  5. TIME OUT I already cop-ed to the offense in this thread and PMed Jeff and Ed an apology, but since this is spiraling out of control I want to address it head on. In the past when someone has asked for numbers Jeff has jumped and provided them. Since someone asked this morning I figured Jeff would run a report. So I thought it would be cute to leave an inside joke easter egg for him to find. I added 800+ GE to my portfolio with a note "Totally not fake". I expected he would see it, giggle, exclude the amount and that would be the end. After seeing the firestorm this has created I completely understand why Ed threw down the warning. I am truly sorry for the out of control discussion this has caused. It was supposed to be a little inside joke and it's spun way out of control. I messed up, I take responsibility, so if anyone is upset about this topic you can direct it at me. I appreciate that Jeff and Ed are protective of the data and try to at least bring sanity to what can sometimes be an insane forum. Please, for the love of god, let the bad data topic die. TIME IN
    4 points
  6. Grand Emporium by 10%. Also, for those members who want to mess with Brickfolio and put in BS numbers, we will catch you and ban you. This is a warning. Sent from my iPad using Brickpicker
    4 points
  7. From BBC News: The Cornish beaches where Lego keeps washing up
    3 points
  8. I chatted with TRU and asked why their price was higher before Target jacked theirs, I was told it was because their version had more features.
    3 points
  9. Or it's like when you tell wife you have a 2x12 brick, but really it's just a 2x4 plate.
    3 points
  10. I would disagree with this for multiple reasons. First there are many many more investors than there were when the FB was being stockpiled. Also the FB seemed to disappear quicker. There has been many more chances to grab a GE. Also I think a lot of people were hesitant to grab a FB because they weren't sure when it was going to retire or how it would do after retirement. Now that it is retired we know the GE has a very good possibility of retiring this year and we have seen the performance of the FB and know that GE is more of a sure bet. Only Jeff or Ed could tell us for sure but my guess would be the GE is more stockpiled.
    3 points
  11. FBTB just posted the Batmobile!!! http://www.fbtb.net/ Suh-weet!!!
    2 points
  12. Brickelements, thanks for sharing this story, what a cool little guy. I've got a sealed set of 16 Simpsons minifigs going out to him this afternoon (w/ a card of course). I also talked with the instructor at my sons summer care program, they are going to have all the kids there make cards for him this morning which I'm going to pick up & get into the package as well, should be about 30 - 40 kids making them. Thanks again for sharing brickelements!
    2 points
  13. 10196 Grand Carousal. Loose, complete, no box, stickers applied but also included an unused sheet, very nice conditioned manuals, and never used Power Function elements that work. Here is what the music box sounds like (15 sec clip). https://www.dropbox.com/s/969xwqfvjq94giq/Lego_10196.m4a
    2 points
  14. I bought 2 SSDs from Target two weeks ago for $499 each. I took them back to Target today to see if they would price match Walmart.com and they said yes. They allowed me to return both and then allowed me to repurchase for $399 each. Woohoo. Also Target at Tanforan San Bruno CA had two more 70404 Castles for $15.04 each, bought both.
    1 point
  15. Pfff... $200 in the US and
    1 point
  16. Yes, this was a point that I did think of. So let's say its a push. Sent from my iPad using Brickpicker
    1 point
  17. You also have to account for people cashing in on the fire brigade since it has performed so well since December. The brickfolios will drop as the flippers start moving inventory. This 10% doesn't mean much to me.
    1 point
  18. It's 120 w/ Red Card, 90 otherwise.
    1 point
  19. lol, such lame lame attempts.. I'd be more satisfied with "Our market researched group noticed that Lego no longer carries this, thus we can increase our price to reflect availability" And then for a laugh, say "Plus, people on eBay say it's rare".
    1 point
  20. If charging market rate is evil then we are all bad, bad people.
    1 point
  21. If you visit be sure to wave to Agent Harris. (Well played Ed)
    1 point
  22. 1 point
  23. 1 point
  24. This is not a topic that is taking high priority right now, but it will. Maybe I was a little harsh in my warning, but I didn't mention names. But my point remains that we want people to be honest as possible with their inputs. When members ask for information, we do our best to supply it to everyone and as accurately as possible, as I did when I stated that the GE is more popular than the FB by around 10%. There is some data that is withheld for various reasons, this is not really one of them. I can't recall the thread, but I believe I gave the Top 5 or 10 sets in members Brickfoilios months ago. Does it really matter though? The Fire Brigade was hoarded by more people in the history of this site and it has almost doubled in value since EOL. So much for over saturation of the market. ;-)
    1 point
  25. Pfff... $200 in the US and
    1 point
  26. Isn't the brickfolio private by default anyway? Who cares what numbers I put in a private brickfolio ...
    1 point
  27. What are BS numbers? I have heared about set numbers and seal codes. But never heared about BS numbers.
    1 point
  28. 103 sellers on amazon for Grand Emporium compared to 78 for Fire Brigade but ebay looks to have more fire brigade than grand emporium. I think the GE will be more stockpiled.
    1 point
  29. AT-TE is back in stock online at $70. http://www.walmart.ca/en/ip/lego-star-wars-at-te-75019/6000107232843
    1 point
  30. My small contribution to his new Lego stash is: 70400, 70401, 70403 All castle. Recently purchased for 50% off. And of course his wish of another birthday card.
    1 point
  31. I believe that is their stated policy on the promotion, but they never fill orders that way, at least in the U.S. If your order qualifies for the promotion then they add the promo to your shopping cart and it gets shipped to you, no matter how many orders you place. I can't say that is true in all cases all of the time, but it seems to be how they have handled it for years now.
    1 point
  32. Regarding the ebay motive - One of the higher ups at ebay accidently stated at some public function that the % of TRS plus sellers was higher than they had expected, and that the new changes were expected to bring it down in line with the projections that they were looking for. I don't know what happened to this person, but I would guess there is a good chance that he also lost his ebay status.
    1 point
  33. I am in the same boat. Losing TRS plus because of too many cases opened for stuff that should have just been a message sent to me. Look at it on the bright side, this is happening to many other sellers and it takes away the pressure to offer holiday returns into January.
    1 point
  34. When I shoplift at Target, I prefer a really big trenchcoat. Oh, wait, sorry, that's not the law we're talking about breaking. Reset. Holleman is correct on how PayPal should track and report it, I'm not sure if they do. Regardless, however, you must (under the law) report your income to the IRS. PayPal's reporting requirement to you and the IRS has no bearing on YOUR reporting requirement to the IRS.
    1 point
  35. Ordered the mini for me and two keychains for my wife (wonderwoman and batgirl).
    1 point
  36. Looks like the X-Wing from the original concept art. You can see the 4 engines, they just look iike one from the front when the wings are closed. Given the fact that the galaxy went through a large scale civil war 20 or 30 years before ep 7 is set, plus whatever smaller battles took place in between due to the power vacuum the fall of the empire created, I wouldn't expect any major leaps in technology. We'll see more of the "used future" look that the OT is known for.
    1 point
  37. Or, since it was post-empire, perhaps government regulations required lower carbon emissions while in the atmosphere of any inhabited planet as well as increased MPG. Hence, manufacturers had to reduce number of engines.
    1 point
  38. 1 point
  39. i did read the accompanying article saying its not the headhunter and the replies to the multiple tweets saying it looks like a z-95 headhunter and i watched the whole video and it looks like a z-95 with 2 turrets. just because its tweeted doesn't make it the truth. xwings have 4 engines. this thing has 2. and it is pretty ugly. oh but its an x-wing didn't you read the article.
    1 point
  40. So I broke my number one rule and finally bought the chima 2 in 1 super pack that's sat at my toysrus for $22 lol
    1 point
  41. More chances to get some SISB sets (soaked in sealed box)
    1 point
  42. it does seem out of the ordinary. the only reason I thought about selling it is the price is so high, I could definitely help a collector complete their collection, and use the money to buy some more play friendly kits for the kids. I love the theme, still can't believe its shutting down. Movie licensing, although a boon to lego, seems to have double edged sword, as new themes without the marketing push from big Hollywood marketing budgets seem to falter. Lego should of made a cartoon about about Monster Fighters, would of been awesome.
    1 point
  43. Mine was shipped. My emazers account as well.
    1 point
  44. OK, never mind Weird Al. 20R4 looks like thanks to using a flashlight heh. That's the last run we are aware of I take it?
    1 point
  45. Due to the excitement about the pending retirement of the 10221, I decided that I had to build one. Luckily I had a damaged outer box (destroyed actually) SSD that I got from Amazon Warehouse Deals for about $275. Taking a page from jaisonline's book (although not nearly as detailed), I decided it would be nice to try and document the process as we go along. I apologize in advance for the pictures, my cell phone is currently my camera... First off, as many know, the box for this thing is huge and it weighs nearly 20 lbs. Inside the large outer box there are three numbered boxes and one manual box. BOX 1: Box 1 has 2 unnumbered bags, six bag 1's, and six bag 2's: 14 total bags. The bag 1's have the five minifigures in them. Admiral Piett, Darth Vader, Dengar, IG88, and Bossk. I am a big fan of the bounty hunter books, so I really like this selection. The remainder of the contents' of the bag 1's (and some misc items from the unnumbered bags) ends up looking like this when completed. It is very large, but it is fragile right now. Had to keep it put away or my 18mo old would remove pieces for me. The 2 bags add a lot of support and strength to the model. I would consider bag 2 the skeletal system of the 10221. Box 2 coming soon...
    1 point
  46. I decided to order GE from LEGO. I have a strange feeling when the next batch ships, it's done.
    1 point
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