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Showing content with the highest reputation on 08/14/2014 in all areas

  1. update of the availability of this set and the research institute https://ideas.lego.com/blogs/1-blog/post/17 "LEGO Ideas Exo Suit and Research Institute Availability : On August 1st, LEGO Ideas launched two sets: #21109 Exo Suit and #21110 Research Institute. Currently, both sets have sold through their initial stock and are back-ordered. This means that more sets are on the way, so we hope you will be able to secure these and other special sets from LEGO Ideas."
    7 points
  2. April 1st, next year, 100+ of us should change their avatars to supraboy888's one...
    5 points
  3. I haven't read a true RI post in the last 3 pages or so. However, I am now caught up on someone using Facebook to sell people's daughters Lego or something, a person takes selfies with fish, someone thinks exciter isn't a cool mod, a $20 RI set was sold on Facebook to a guy without a daughter but for his daughter (no pic so no proof) , hotcakes is still the buzz word of the week, someone on the Lego Collectors Facebook group wrote about contacting Lego and they will either make more RIs or not, and Jeff is five finger discounting Facebook's UI design for the BP classifieds. Whee, I'm out of breath from all this typing. Update : I forgot to mention one thing. Someone actually typed "Kre-O" on this site. I feel dirty and need a shower. Yuck. Sent from an iPhone using the Brickpicker app
    5 points
  4. So if you had to rank them, how would Facebook compare to Kiiji, CL, TRU parking lots and office bulletin boards?
    5 points
  5. What did Obi-Wan say? Obi-Wan: So what I told you was true... from a certain point of view. Luke: A certain point of view? Obi-Wan: Luke, you're going to find that many of the truths we cling to depend greatly on our own point of view.
    3 points
  6. TAKE THAT EBAY RESELLERS!!! JERKS!!! On a serious note...many resellers already made money from the first production run and will reload for the second one shortly.
    3 points
  7. Dump them in the bins. I have no need for them and aren't going to hold onto them for resale of the set. If there are extra weapons or accessories they go into another sorted drawer for those sorts of things.
    3 points
  8. How about the EOL of yet another Supraboy account?
    3 points
  9. I pulled the trigger...anybody know a good bankruptcy lawyer?
    3 points
  10. Nobody is making anyone do anything they don't want to.
    2 points
  11. from the Lego instructions site... If you plan to print the building instruction, please be sure to download the correct version: Building instructions labeled "NA" or "V39" may be printed on US standard letter size paper (8
    2 points
  12. Just rebuilt the Daily Bugle Showdown after my youngest decided that Hulk smashes the lab and the daily bugle. I have to say the building itself is pretty crappy but at least there are lots of "play" options with it.
    2 points
  13. update on availability of the set https://ideas.lego.com/blogs/1-blog/post/17
    2 points
  14. Come on, let's be realistic, if you have kids they end up under the couch, behind the fridge, or in various places on bedroom floors.
    2 points
  15. I like the way you plan, you make a good profit fast, and still get to hold some longer term, and as you sold enough to cover your costs the ones you keep are essentially free. Better move quick on those space guys though.
    2 points
  16. Spamming is not the answer. Live, love, don't spam, unless it's fried. I'll edit it for you, you're welcome.
    2 points
  17. As a few of you may remember, I bought a used TB for $130 off eBay a while ago. I completed the build today, and I am thoroughly impressed. I estimated that I spent 9 hours on the build in total. Here are some pictures including a few from unusual angles that most people don't see. Completed build: Slightly odd for the road to be uneven, but neccessary for the bridge to fold. Problem can be easily fixed by adding a flat plate. Coolest part of the build in my opinion. I really like that the slopes and plates match up so well. Uniquely printed shield, one for each side. Very nice little display window. Another nice touch to the set: mini cars. It's amazing what you can build with 10-20 little bricks! It's interesting that Jamie Berard (designer of the TB) decided to change to a different construction of the side columns rather than using the cheese-slopes lined up. Personally, I would have preferred a standardized system across the board. Normal construction: Construction of the top layer: Bird's-eye view of the interior of one of the towers: Views of the underside of the blue overpass of the bridge: Underside of the bridge: View of the length of the entire bridge: Interior of one of the towers. I tried to fit my camera lense inside, but it is too big. This is the best I could manage: Panels that give the TB the columns for each tower are attached using a basic SNOT technique (Stud ******ot O****** Top): In the end, there were only 5 missing pieces that I couldn't fulfill with my own pieces: 3 1x1 tan flat bricks, and two 2x2 tan flat tiles. Not bad. I'll just message the seller to see if he can find them, and if not, free replacement bricks from Lego CS.
    2 points
  18. I am happy with my LOTR collection. A lot of fear is born out of impatience and the lack of instant results. Not every investment works that way. I am not as convinced on the Hobbit side of things, though there are key figures that purists and completists will want. Elves, dwarves, trolls, wargs, orcs, wizards, Uruk-hai...
    1 point
  19. "those who own 20-30 of these or more start offloading these as prices near 800 or 900" I believe this will happen. So I will keep my two lone SSD for another 5 years or so ...
    1 point
  20. This post made me LOL.......it's called free will dude.
    1 point
  21. I definitely agree that this just needs more time. The selling prices are deceptive because most people bought these at a big discount, so most sellers only need to get to 25% over retail to double their money. For the majority of investment sets, it takes 2 years after retirement for a set to sell for twice retail. Everyone's feeling on investing has been skewed by the huge returns on a few high profile sets. Be patient, and every set in the LoTR line will do just fine, especially if you are comparing it to average returns in the stock market.
    1 point
  22. Last year around christmas time I sold a technic crane (8053, MISB). The buyer had a completely new ebay account (zero feedback, account just opened). After 12 days of no payment (and me mailing the woman 2 times with no response) I researched her phone number, but didn't find her name in the phone book. But there was a number with the same family name in that street and town, so I gave them a call... it was her mother. I told her that I'm an ebay seller waiting for her daughter's payment for two weeks. She took care of that and the next day I received the money and sent her the article Unfortunately it doesn't always work like that!
    1 point
  23. Just got the email stating my LEGO order from 07/28 SSD has been shipped. Now I eagerly wait by the front door and hope for a mint box...
    1 point
  24. Not based on a standardized calculation. Purchase price is irrelevant to ROR from a standardized view. RRP for B-wing was 199.95. Retired in November of 2013. Current price on average is less than RRP thus a negative ROR. What you or I purchased them at is irrelevant. 10221 SSD RRP 399.95, not currently retired but let us follow history and say official retirement is November 2014 with no change from current prices on Amazon, say ($700). Ebay will catch up quickly along with BP guide price. Using consistent measuring and relative reliable data the SSD will have a ROR of 75%. Not really a comparison at all. The 10227 B-Wing would need to reach $350.00 to be competitive and it would need to do it by April/May of 2014, assuming SSD remained flat for its first full year of retirement. This is the only way to measure relative returns within a theme or sub-theme like UCS. Investment basis is different for everyone and cannot be used as a measure to gauge history or the future.
    1 point
  25. The cool thing is, the $99 UCS B-Wings will still have a better ROI than the SSD this Christmas.
    1 point
  26. Sold my last Catwoman today...have one built and son playing with it already so didn't mind letting this final sealed box go. $35 after fees and shipping costs. Still relatively new to this hobby - bittersweet to see some of the sets I purchased for investing when I started disappearing for good from my closet. Make way for new sets/opportunities. I would like to take this opportunity to say thank-you to Catwoman, Hulk, Cap Am, Two Face, Wolverine, Kingdom Chess set, 41999, TC-14, etc. for helping me with ROI the past 6-10months. My inventory is 'small' but hope to see Superman vs Lex, Spiderman Cycle, Rovers, Uruk Army, and Grand Emporiums bring in some steady ROI the next 6-12months Maybe Funhouse and Arctic Batman will be a surprise with nice margins before 2016 too.
    1 point
  27. I was just repeating what the member of the Ideas Blog wrote...I added the "Jerks" for effect!
    1 point
  28. This is exactly what I do, but I may fish through a box for a part here and there if I need to.
    1 point
  29. I went to a garage sale that was on CL. I bought one Lego set which was the 8099 Midi-Scale Imperial Star Destroyer for $5. The box and instructions are in decent shape, and I'm verifying that all the pieces are here. From the looks of it, there probably is a few missing pieces, but nothing major.
    1 point
  30. Unless the freebie was added to the original order it won't be there. Getting the ssd is the bonus
    1 point
  31. Thank you comicblast. Having never built this one yet, your review and pics just help solidify that I need to get a hurry on it.
    1 point
  32. Max value is the total amount of $ you can sell per month. If your limit is $6800 and you have sold 6 items for $10 each plus 1 item listed for $6740 BIN, you hit your limit for that month. Just call them to increase your limit
    1 point
  33. Nah, just call them. Almost always, if it's been at least 30 days since the last time you requested a limit increase (and your account is in good standing) they'll increase it.
    1 point
  34. The avatars of this site help me decipher if I want to read someone's post. Lots of trolling going on and no avatar means I read ridiculous posts
    1 point
  35. My son and I are having a great time watching the previews too. Between Star Wars, Transformers, Indiana Jones and Lego I feel like I've gone from 46 to 7 years old. It is a personal blast.
    1 point
  36. In this case you say "Oh, I only brought enough cash for the original price we agreed upon, can you wait here while I go to the ATM?" Then you go grab a cup of coffee, check daily deals thread on BP, go to supermarket to get some groceries, watch a few movies at the theater, go on a vacation to Cancun, then come back and tell the guy it turns out you didn't have your debit card on you. Because screw people who don't stick to their price.
    1 point
  37. Wow, Interesting is all I can say. Exciter1, Steve Blum (Zeb) of Star Wars Rebels recently wrote me a note "thanks for watching my back" at a Comic Con where I worked with him. (was a great day). Anyways, I'll pay it forward and I'm happy to watch your back whenever you need it.
    1 point
  38. I'll make an exception. Better yet...Jeff is about ready with the Classifieds. We can do a trial run with $20 Research Institutes. Sent from my iPad using Brickpicker
    1 point
  39. Target is having a special promo online only until Sunday 17th August 2014. SPEND $80 SAVE $20 Code is ENJOYSPRING I think it applies to all items in the online store as I could not see any exclusions.
    1 point
  40. Those resources are better utilized in your continuing war against fake LEGO on eBay :D
    1 point
  41. wow... "bring out your dead... bring out your dead...."
    1 point
  42. Thanks for the kind welcome! I am still on vacation and now only looking for toy stores when we visit big city's. My kids don't mind. I bought some boxes on sale in Germany that I can't find cheaper anywere else online so I hope I made my first profit with them. And today I am in Antwerpen and I found a B wing 10227 for just
    1 point
  43. Sorry but the Pet Shop will not retire this year.
    1 point
  44. While I do respect people's opinions, I would have personally kept this one to myself. If one suffers from degrees of mental illness like he did, there is no way you can comprehend what he did. You were not him and have no idea what he went through in his life dealing with it. I am not sticking up for or agreeing with his actions, but I am not going to judge him or anyone else. P.S. I will probably be locking this thread soon since I already have the gut feeling it will go downhill very soon.
    1 point
  45. Hard to imagine imo, while ships are mostly ships for investors, there is a difference between trains and motorized trains. Or has any UNmotorized train done remarkably well in recent years?
    1 point
  46. Here's some of my stock. In the two brown boxes in the left hand conner are Death Stars. My Bedroom has another 6 shelves full of stuff. An my living room is full of built sets. My GF thinks i'm nuts. Stomping
    1 point
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