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Showing content with the highest reputation on 06/26/2014 in all areas

  1. Just seeing this now on Brickset. Looks excellent! I love that they have added 3 minifigures, as well as a (sticker?) of a classroom board. What do you guys/gals think?
    3 points
  2. Also, the wife ran upstairs...here comes Fedex...no knock, tower bridges put downstairs with nobody the wiser.
    3 points
  3. Howabout some new talking points!!! So Ill jump in with the OP with some of my pics for worst performing sets of the ones that have come or will come out in 2014: 1. 70724 - Ninjago Copter: I liked this set when it came out. However, I have heard a lot of negative feedback and this set has sold pretty terrible for me. I loved the figs - but now most of them are in other sets. The actual vehicle is weird looking and almost out of place. 2. 75055 - Star Destroyer: I was really excited when I first saw this set. However now - not so much. Nothing really that much new with it, smaller than the original and at $130 way overpriced compared to others. A lot of people don't remember the last Star Destroyer (MIDI) did not do well. And you can say "MIDI sucks though"! But the MIDI Falcon did pretty well. Overall I am not going to touch this one (except to build it). 3. 75058 MTT: Really the same problems as the one above. Smaller, looks incorrect compared to the original. The first was a huge investment winner, but I just don't feel like this one will be. 10 years past the prequels, how popular will this be? 4. 79117 Big Turtle Lair Invasion Set: I have a hunch the movie will not do well. The first turtle wave didn't seem to really take off and now there are 9 more sets clogging up the realms. Though the biggest set in a theme usually does well, this one just looks weird. Its a bigger version of the first one and less impressive in my book. Weird colors and a myriad of randomness. Only saving grace is the badass slide. 5. 75060 UCS Slave 1 - Just joking, this one will rule.
    3 points
  4. amen brother. my wife is a doc and worked her read-end off. for decades even before collecting an actual paycheck. there wasn't much pink or purple in her hard work.
    2 points
  5. 2 points
  6. Cedar Point is the best. Top Thrill Dragster and Millennium Force are ridiculous. Raptor is great too. I think they have more coasters than anyone. I love the giant arcade too.
    2 points
  7. When it comes to investing in BIG sets it is common opinion that NONE of them will ever be a real loser. This is my opinion, too, but there are some popular big sets I think are fairly overrated and will in the end "lose" the race for becoming big investment winners after EOL. I do not intend to p*ss anyone off here, criticising their favorite sets. But as it is a common practice in this forum to tell people to "buy, buy, buy!" I thought it might not be a bad idea to make people think again about buying at least in some cases. In the end, of course, this is also to tell you my opinion on sets I just don't understand why they are being hyped the was they are - and to get to know what you think about it. The following sets released in 2014 might - in my opinion - become disappointments after EOL (for the following reasons): 1. MetalBeard's Sea Cow (70810) (My undisputed 1st place on this list. While I do have reservations about the whole LEGO Movie theme, this Cow imo might become an absolute grave for investors' money - maybe the only big set of 2014 you could indeed LOSE money on. Why: Ships generally have a very good reputation as investments - also for me -, my problem with this one here is that it is just "way too fantasy" and simply over the top - which worked in the movie but doesn't work for a set (you invest your bucks in). Neither is it a real ship nor a pirate ship nor is it looking like a historical one. How is any AFOL going to want this after EOL, when the movie hype is over? I mean even for fans of the movie, I don't see too many people pony up $250. Plus it is a LEGO own theme, which is ambiguous on its own already. Has there ever been a set from one of their own themes this expensive?) 2. The Simpsons House (71006) (The main issues here for me are the price and the target group. As a set it looks quite good and accurate to the series, I think, and Simpsons fans will surely love it. BUT: besides them - who else? Furthermore the series is (long) past its peak. It might be in its 20th season but interest is nothing like in the 90s. Anyone investing 200 dollars now might not get their money back for a long time, I fear.) 3. Sandcrawler (75059) (I don't get why people like this set: it is brown, it is clumsy, it is ugly, it has never been an especially popular vehicle in the movies. And even now while being on the market I can't imagine too many people spending 300 bucks on this thing. Not to mention post-EOL performance. Even if you see it as a play set in the first place - which it is supposed to be, I guess. It just does not convince me to spend any money on it. And by the way: I AM a fan of the LEGO Star Wars theme...) 4. Fairground Mixer (10244) (Yes, it might be the beginning of a new summer theme and yes, it might be a cool design idea and cool to construct - but, well, aesthetically it doesn't convince me at all. I saw it built in a LEGO shop and I have to say: That thing looks even more confusing live than it does on the package. If you don't know the name of this set and you look at it, it might actually take up to half a minute to get an idea what this "multi-colored set-up" could be all about. The Mixer might be nice for kids to play, but as an investment? No.) 5. Cargo Plane (42025) (If you asked me I'd say: Don't waste your money on this! While it seems like a good investement at first glance, I doubt this set will ever become popular among TECHNIC fans and even among European TECHNIC fans. From what I know, TECHNIC enthusiasts love construction site equipment! Not too much besides that. Anything flying is quite rare is this theme - for a reason. Have a look at the EOL-gone Helicopter (9396): For a short time people thought it would really "take off" now it is retired, but the value graph tells another story - down from $130 to $100 in just TWO months. My conclusion: TECHNIC don't fly.) Looking forward to your opinions and your personal list!
    1 point
  8. This could be the coolest thing ever. Link
    1 point
  9. Any lego pirates stuff of mine had grey cutlasses but I did see this thread on euro bricks from a while back with a few interesting pictures. http://www.eurobricks.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=7669&st=75 It mentions a Malaysian lego clone... Maybe this is it?
    1 point
  10. If this is really $19.99...man I'm all in.
    1 point
  11. I just grabbed 2 more GE from toys r us. Still some left I think
    1 point
  12. Let's not get carried away here. I'm sure you will see the HH around till Halloween.
    1 point
  13. I like it! The box design is suberb. In my opinion, TLG should make more sets with similar box design. Give me a slick black any day over "busy" designs.
    1 point
  14. Retirement thread for GE hijacked.
    1 point
  15. I could see this set selling very well for years. Could make a great graduation gift. On a side note, it's nice they have "girl's" sets that aren't tons of pink and purple. I'll be buying lots of these
    1 point
  16. There were 12 or so of these little builds in the original cuusoo submission, I wonder if they're planning on producing the others if this one does well?
    1 point
  17. Great news today! I heard from Lego LEGO Shop at Home and they honored my order which got blocked a week ago. Apparantly I got unblocked (unbanned) for whatever reason. Maybe because I called and tried to reason with them. Thanks to all you well wishers for your support in this thread. I will tread lightly in the next few months ordering from the LEGO Shop at Home.
    1 point
  18. It's a neat little set. I like the t-rex. Wish it was a little bit bigger
    1 point
  19. Honestly, this might be me with the Sea Cow. My stepson has been asking for it ever since he saw it in the Lego catalog. If we decide to get it for him for christmas this year I'll be able to better evaluate it after helping him build it.
    1 point
  20. If any Chicago BPers are reading this I just called the discovery center in Schaumburg. They had 2 on the shelf there the other day and I called to see if they are still there and she said "oh yeah we have plenty". So I'm going to swing in and get 2 or 3, sounds like there will be leftovers after that. Get 10% off if you get the annual pass, at $40 it pays for itself quick.
    1 point
  21. Ooo, a spider-weed! Here's your pumpkin head. Too bad you can't stick a couple of those small bull horn pieces on the sides of their heads to perfect the visage of verocity.
    1 point
  22. Exactly. Friends sets here seem to do horribly. Technic is a big winner. Ninjago is a consistent seller for me while Super Heroes is crazy. With the current sales going on here though, most of those sets are flying off the shelves. Sent from my iPhone using Brickpicker
    1 point
  23. In a perfect world sure it would work, it is called trading on Margin. This always makes sense on paper until life happens and the trade moves against you and you get a margin call. A credit card is great to use if you have healthy points program. Using money you have in cash via a CC makes sense because it adds a little plus as well as the monthly payoff reinforces your credit score if you care about such things. Outside of that leveraged investing or operations of a business will usually end badly, because storms come,life happens etc.
    1 point
  24. Here's a crazy money management solution/scheme Get a new credit card with 0% interest for a year (Chase Slate card). Charge the amount that you have in cash. Use the cash money in hand to make the monthly minimum payments to keep the 0%. Wait until Christmas time (or at worst 10 months) to see how much they appreciate then sell them (give yourself 2 months time) for whatever profit there is at that time and pay back the remainder on the credit card. See how much you have made in profit. If it's enough for you, rinse and repeat. Of course if you don't pay attention, miss one payment, go over a year, etc, you just totally screwed yourself. You can even invest the remainder of the cash on hand that's not needed to make the monthly payments (short term CD, money market, high yield bond fund) and make some small interest amount.
    1 point
  25. While getting bitten by genetically altered spiders may turn some into super heroes, the same cannot be said for the Pumpkin King... The only difference in an actual build would be the inclusion of a jack-o-lantern head instead of the orange blank.
    1 point
  26. It's also smart to ride with your mouth closed at night. Unless you have special dietary instructions from your Doctor to consume bugs. Sent from my iPhone using Brickpicker
    1 point
  27. Cedar Point, "America's Roller Coast". Millennium Force still tops many lists for best coaster. It hurts riding the Millennium Force when it's sprinkling the rain, believe me.
    1 point
  28. Sorry guys I think this is UK only I should have said in the title They are now out of stock online but still available for local collection Managed to reserve 2 so collecting later today
    1 point
  29. I'm thinking "Temporary OOS" means "soon" as in we know definitely know it's gonna come back within 30-60 days etc. For something that sells out unexpectedly and they have to set up a new "last" production run, there aren't gonna be definite dates right away so they don't say "temporary" and keep people on edge. Better for customer service. We saw this last year with Architecture Studio, Catwoman and Orc Forge. Sold out, no "temporary" while they made another batch and the new stock just showed up when it was back. Just my $0.02.
    1 point
  30. Yeah, from my point of view, the vast majority of LEGO sales are in the 4th quarter and a large set like the SSD is most likely bought/given as a gift so why would they intentionally plan on EOL'ing a large money-making set in the summer. Makes no sense for LEGO to leave money on the table like that. I believe LEGO makes plans in the beginning of the year for it to EOL at the end of the year/after Christmas so they produce a quantity of how many they think will last the entire year. Then all of a sudden, they sell out that entire amount in Q2 because of the panic buyers. Well, now since it's Q2, they still have enough time to set up a new production run to make more in time for Q4 sales. Now, if there wasn't the panic buying and it would then naturally sell out in late Q3, early Q4, LEGO would probably not have enough time to set up a new production run to make Q4 sales so they are just gonna let it go EOL early before the end of the year since there would be no point to make more if sales just plummet after Christmas. So, with all the panic buying and selling out now, it's actually letting LEGO make more in time for Q4. That's why I'm thinking it will come back to the US, too soon to sell out and still enough time to make more for Q4 sales. If I'm wrong, oh well, still got a couple.
    1 point
  31. I don't think it's an indicator of retirement. It's sorted by availability then item number. For example the Camper is sat above the 'check for availability' which is sat above the 'sold out' sets, in turn these are in numerical set order. Once stock comes back for the camper it will return further up the list, probably sorted by 'new items'
    1 point
  32. And 8941 - Rockoh T3 Last week I bought $360 (used BP price total) of Bionicle and Hero Factory used for $80 and this was in there half still in sealed bags. Was gonna flip the lot my I couldn't resist giving it all to my kids to play with. Sent from my iPod touch using Brickpicker
    1 point
  33. 60s Camaro SS would be sweet Sent from my Unknown using Brickpicker mobile app
    1 point
    1 point
  35. not so much fighting - e-jostling.
    1 point
  36. Fighting for scraps, are we?
    1 point
  37. It has to retire sometime, why not now? It's only been 6 years. Then again it might not retire. The SSD won't retire and the GE won't retire and LEGO will have a nice surprise for resellers. Sent from my iPad using Brickpicker
    1 point
  38. I laughed at these but my son loves them and is missing a few here and there. I now need to pounce and finish off his collection so I don't get in a trap in the secondary market. I can definitely imagine a scenario where they are all sold out at Xmas and parents will shell out $15-20 per pack of the one they need they can no longer get. I'm not going to stockpile them but I don't think it is nuts if someone does. They are a breeze to ship and could be easy money.
    1 point
  39. The vast majority of your buyers will build their sets, that is why a fun/solid build is important in the reselling world. The Sea Cow is unique, nothing else like it. It is whacky, crazy and fun and that's why "nerds" like me drove 50 minutes on launch day to grab one. Yes I can grab a lotr pirate ship, a triple E , or a POTC ship but it is just not the same . My two cents edited to ad: I cared more about the design over the role it played in the move
    1 point
  40. The OP has every right to express his opinion. I think he is wrong on all counts. Each of the sets he listed is rather unique to the LEGO world, so they usually stand out and appreciate quite well. They are also big sets, which helps. I don't see the logic in comparing them to other quality sets like the Maersk Triple E or Parisian Restaurant. There is room for all to appreciate very well. I put all of these sets in the same category...winners.
    1 point
  41. I think of a price I'll be satisfied with sometime in the future. I'll go ahead and list the item at that price and then leave it until it sells. Sometimes it's 2 minutes, 2 weeks, and sometimes it's 2 years.
    1 point
  42. I just finish my R2D2 a few days ago Sent from my iPhone using Brickpicker
    1 point
  43. I built the mystery box this weekend. The mystery box could be anything, it could even be a boat. Turns out that it actually was a boat 10210 is an impressive build, has great details and it displays well (I am missing two brown technic barrels for a sail, but those are easy to replace). The organ was a nice addition and I really appreciate that the galley and cannon areas were designed to be detachable in the same manner that the floors of a modular building are. This is a build that really comes together nicely and at 30" by 24", it takes up a lot of space. A great buy, especially at $160 under the BP price
    1 point
  44. It's not a deal breaker, but for the person who is an investor and a collector, the free promo is worth something. It is much easier to buy a Lego set from LEGO Shop at Home and get a free promo than to buy it off eBay for $20+.
    1 point
  45. For all us old farts out there... this is what came to my mind. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-7_uwFcI8JE Not quite HH, but that one creepy house on a nice suburban street.
    1 point
  46. I don't think so. The closest would be the Ghost Train which you could get $75 to $80 for, but then you are breaking even. If you are holding, I like all of those - but for a couple years.
    1 point
  47. Three months after the imperial flagship was EOL I had taken my father in law to a Lego convention in Cincinnati. At the time the sets were selling on ebay every day for $400. They had a Lego store set up in the convention center. Sitting on the shelves were 8 copies (marked down from $180 to $120). I casually asked the store guy how many sets I could buy. He told me 5. So I informed my father in law that I was going to buy 5 and I was going to have him buy the other 3 (he's not a wealthy man and I informed him I would pay him back later that night). We went to the register to pay when I realized I had left my wallet in my car on the other side of town. I pleaded with the cashier to help me out and not force me to go across town to get my wallet. He thankfully allowed my father in law to purchase all 8 sets. So my father in law just put $1000 on his credit card. While driving home I was telling him about my strategy in investing in Lego. He then informed me that he wanted in on half. Meaning that he would buy 4 sets and I would buy 4 sets. What was I going to do. He saved me by paying for my sets anyway. He then got worried about what he was going to tell his wife. I reassured him that we could post 2 of the sets on ebay that night and a week later he would (should) be able to sell them for between $350-400 easily. We did exactly that and he was pleased. We then sold his other 2 sets the next week. Since then I've sold a couple of my sets. I have a few more still gaining in value. But to find eight $400 sets on the shelf for $125 ea. Without having to wait for them to "mature". That was a great day!!
    1 point
  48. John Hancock has done very well for itself since it's retirement. Sipping margaritas and chillin on the beach. Sungnemun has done alright as well, but not to the same extent. I think John Hancock surprised a lot of people, it's selling over 5x retail, not sure if these newer ones will do as well but I am willing to settle for 3-4x regardless.
    1 point
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