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Fake, Counterfeit, Knockoff, Illegal, Garbage, Crap Set & Minifigure Thread: PLEASE READ BEFORE POSTING!

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Yes but respectfully no. The caveat is that this site is mainly about investing in Lego. Recent and not so recent events relating to fakes have a very real impact on Lego investment and should not be buried under the sand.

How to spot fake pieces and minifigs, which sets have been copied, calling out fake sellers and the line TLG take on this all have their place here as much as daily deals, retirement , new release or bubble speculation, in my view.

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So in a community dedicated to making a profit off of a product... not sharing information about possible threats that could harm the bottom line seems to be a little counterintuitive to what one of the greatest strategists of all time preached:


“If you know the enemy and know yourself, you need not fear the result of a hundred battles. If you know yourself but not the enemy, for every victory gained you will also suffer a defeat. If you know neither the enemy nor yourself, you will succumb in every battle.”


I'm not saying people should promote it... but it seems important to know what is being copied as sales will certainly be impacted. Some folks are by nature cheap, and not willing to buy a premium product. But Grandma buying their grandkids gifts is easier to fool. Will Grandma buy the more expensive LEGO, or grab a box online that looks the same for 75% off? I think it would be good to know which sets are being cloned, which are still safe, and the frequency of sales versus the legitimate brand.

Edited by brickvoyeur
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1 hour ago, Ed Mack said:

I applaud the administration of Eurobricks for installing such a policy and I ask other major LEGO fan sites to follow suit.  We are all here for the love of LEGO sets and bricks and these knockoff products not only endanger the LEGO secondary markets, but the primary one as well.  

A Dutch Forum which has a Lego subforum has the topic-warning: This is for the real thing only. Trespassers will be bricked

And the moderators are thankfully really strict in upholding that rule. :) 

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18 minutes ago, brickcrazyhouse said:

Don't like the new policy? Make a Lepin fan site and post there. easy peasy 

Sorry but the vast majority of people who have posted in this thread have not been promoting other brands and would have no interest in counterfeit goods fan site. I think this thread was a useful tool in coordinating efforts against those trying to sell these sets on ebay and other sales outlets. I know there have been some morons who seem to think these sets have some merit because they are cheaper, but those people are few and far between. 

What I'm bothered about is working out the best strategies that brickpickers can employ to block people selling these in countries that respect copyright, trademarks and ip infringement.

Edited by Fenix_2k1
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Unless something dramatically changes, I don't see a reason to continue the conversation...

Person A: Someone posted a fake set on eBay! Gasp!
Person B: Reported that listing!
Person A: Thanks for helping!
Person C: Me too!
Person D: I can't believe LEGO is letting this happen!
Person E: Get your head out of the sand, the sky is falling!
Person F: I love me some Fakes!
Person D: You're unbelievable!
Person B: Don't buy that junk!

Etc... we know the score, we see what LEGO, eBay, Amazon are and aren't doing.

Le sigh...

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Yes, I also think a private group would be beneficial. Most people here have a vested interest in keeping the knockoffs at bay. But alas some people have no scruples about promoting/selling illegal products. A warning could be issued that the group is solely used to combat knockoffs and not to go in to endless discussion about these products.

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I just want members to realize that this will not be a "free-for-all."   There will be strict rules and limitations in the thread.  It is about sharing information that can help combat these criminal resellers and illegal products.  The way I look at it is that you are either "for LEGO" or "for Lepin(or similar crap)."  There is no "grey" area.

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2 hours ago, Val-E said:

No chit chat, just facts works fine for me. E.G. posts of newly released clones, dubious sellers, experiences of being cheated, changes in policy and updates on legal proceedings. Anything we can use to stay informed and not fall behind game.

To be frank, I found the quality review about the products very interesting. Would be interesting to know what's in the bricks and if there are any chemicals that shouldn't be in there (in that amount).

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46 minutes ago, TabbyBoy said:

I think I'll butt out of this subject now and leave the "experts" to it. Thanks guys, and I hope you win the battle!

There are no experts that I know of.  Only a bunch of people working together to fight a common foe. 


An interesting tidbit...We already had a request from a member from the Far East with no posts asking to be let into the group.  Nice try.   

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The NEW LEGO Knockoff thread is here...It is a private group.  You must ask to join.  The admins and mods will approve the requests.  Members with few or no posts will have to explain why they want to join.  We have already had multiple people ask to join with zero posts and IP addresses from countries from which counterfeits and knockoffs originate.

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