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  3. This has been in and out for the past 10 minutes. I was able to put an order but could be phantom
  4. 101 Bricks: Storybook Adventures by Markus Rollbühler
  5. Far East Elegance by Markus Rollbühler
  6. The Hall of Grudges of Karak Izûm. by Dwalin Forkbeard
  7. Stalker / stealth combat machine by Computer_073
  8. The Grand Dragon - DRG-5K by Bradley Laliberte
  9. Blacktron Transport Pod by Kelkschiz
  10. Last week
  11. It feels like we're in the matrix. The AI represents China and the human pods represent creative individuals/companies around the world. China lives off this creativity to feed the machine. It would be interesting if the tables were turned and eventually we'd get a run on counterfeiting their creativity. I just don't think they'll ever have any without a middle class... So where's all this going? Production of counterfeits is moving faster, getting better, and spreading across many industries beyond consumer goods. The rise of China's middle class may be our only hope and at the same time—the CCP's worst nightmare.
  12. yea the mocs and original design are safe but many (most?) of the myriad of KO Flego companies crank out both. I'd wager most of the $$$ amount of flego bought is going towards illegal replicas... Lego legal probably doesnt feel its worth their time but with the economy plateauing and lego income post peak, they may well start to crack down. In fact, I'm extremely surprised they haven't already given the blatant and widespread availability of the clones. Begun, the clone wars have...
  13. Not sure what Lego can do about Pantasy they use their own designs, boxes, instructions and even some elements that Lego does not make as well as their own unique building techniques. I am on the third floor of the Pantasy Bakery so should finish it this weekend and post up my review and some pics but for the price, $85 for a 2,660 piece Modular, you can't go wrong.
  14. Ryan @ M & R also has been pumping out the flego & pantasy reviews. I think its worth noting that the more success they have and the more the mainstream they become the more likely it is for Lego to notice and devote resources to cracking down on. This may appear to benefit resellers but I believe can cause Amazon to increase scrutiny of resellers which can be very bad.
  15. Curious how Amzn forecast their warehouse capacity going forward. Catch 22 with the way US economy is heading
  16. Even the LAN members are getting in on it. Look at the comments I think this Flego thing is really going mainstream due to the increased quality and the economy.
  17. Out of curiosity I reported this listing to ebay for counterfeit or authenticity practices since it's clearly not LEGO, but yet advertised as the real deal. They denied my claim saying the listing doesn't violate their policy. Flego manufacturers can make all kinds of sets/bricks for all I care, but manufacturers and sellers marketing sets as LEGO which are clearly a copy of an existing set is bad for the industry as a whole and should be addressed. How does ebay get away with a not my problem attitude allowing a free market for counterfeit and corruption?
  18. interesting that possibility never occurred to me but makes sense. so many tricks out there
  19. After more than 3 months, I was able to get all of my stock returned. It took more than a month to get any response at all, after pinging through every contact I had there multiple times. It then took more than 2 months to have them set up a return. And even at that point I had no idea things were going to come back. Eventually I had a ****-ton of stuff delivered randomly. I had couple dozen smaller items missing, but I assume they sold and got credited to someone else.... as it wasn't uncommon for me to have random items I never sent in credited to me, so I'll call it a wash. I also had one item returned that I never sent them. I didn't overdo it there like some people, but still tens of thousands of inventory over the years. 53% was the total lost to fees through them. This includes platform fees, vendor fees, storage, and shipping. Gross profit after fees was 99.4%, which is nothing to complain about at face value. But while not having control of your stock, many items missed prime selling windows. Looking at my spreadsheets, profit would have been at least 2.5x higher selling on my own, and much higher on a lot of items that missed their big bumps. I think they had a fine idea that grew too fast because they accepted too many people in before having the logistics figured out. Then moving all the inventory to another state just compounded things and it all collapsed from there.
  20. Can you tell the difference? https://www.ebay.com/itm/386930439261?mkcid=16&mkevt=1&mkrid=711-127632-2357-0&ssspo=aitt-6jqtjm&sssrc=4429486&ssuid=Kogj7Ln_Twa&var=&widget_ver=artemis&media=COPY
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