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Hello All,


  I am new to this group and wanted to give a big thank you for all the good information found here.  I found this site after a great garage sale season where I was able to pick up a lot of used sets.  I wasn't even sure how much Lego's sold for when I bought them.  I was just happy to have something to put together!!  My first garage sale purchase was a whole box of Legos for $20 (some with instructions and box).  I learned my lesson that when they say they are complete, always expect they are missing some bricks!!  After building them I was able to sell them all for $150.  At this point I was hooked.  My next find was a lady who sold me a whole collection for $45.  Had a bunch of retired sets but none complete.  I was able to build all of them and have sold half of them so far and gave some away to a friends child that loves Legos. 


I have to admit I never thought of investing in Legos but after reading the forums and doing research I know see the light.


Thank you again for all the good information and please don't get upset if I ask what some of the abbreviations are while I am still learning.


BTW is there a posting that keeps track of all the abbreviations used on the forums? 




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Eric- Welcome to the healthiest addiction out there- Lego investing. Not only do you get the thrill of finding outstanding deals with your garage-sale hunting, you have the prospect of making great money as well.


Neo's post above is accurate, and that is great advice from a highly-respected member of the forum. Read, contribute, learn. There are so many ways to make money and have fun with this.


Welcome to the Forum!

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Hi there and welcome.


Was that garage sale your first contact with LEGO in general or just from a commercial point of view?

I'm a very modest investor, buying mostly for possible personal use with the option of selling it if I end up not wanting it, but I didn't think about selling used sets yet. But there seems to be quite some market for used sets, even with missing parts.

Maybe I should start pillaging my dad's basement, I think he still has all our 80's LEGO stored, including a huge amount of 12V train material.

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Makromiizer -  The garage sale was not my first contact with Lego.  When I was much younger I always wanted them but my family could not afford them.  I had to make due with playing with my friends Lego's.  It was my first contact with a commercial point of view, even so, I was more interested in trying to build the sets first :)


I was surprised that the used sets sell nicely on Ebay, even with missing pieces.  I try to build as much as possible and take as many pictures so people can see what they will get.  So far, all good feedback!

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Welcome, finding sets in bulk lots is a lot of fun and I have had some great success using that method:


To assist with your abbreviations, I am pasting a post I made last month


Good luck on your hunt!



Idiot's guide to Brickspeak


Basic every retiring set and current exclusive gets abbreviated to its acronym because people just run scripts for everything and no longer need to remember the numbers. Additionally, some people in society are not as good at remembering numbers but anyone can remember acronyms by using mnemonic devices.

MF - The current Millenium Falcon, not Monster Fighters and not the 10179

HH - Haunted House

TH - Town Hall

R2 - Self explanatory, but you can number it 10225

SC - Sopwith Camel

3E - Maersk Triple E

ToO - Tower of Orthanc

SW - Santa's Workshop ***edit, apparently this set is getting a new acronym***

HE - Horizon Express

PC - Palace Cinema

PS - Pet Shop

SRC - Summer Riding Camp

GE - Grand Emporium

CC/MS/GG - Earliest modulars

WVM, WVC - Winter Village [set]

SSD - Super Super Dollars!


Less Used and other notes

SH for Simpsons House, but once this becomes hard to find, SH will be everywhere.

OH - Olivia's House

KJ - Kingdom's Joust


Abbreviations for the old old $$$ exclusives, they seem to be typed in full (Eiffel Tower, Taj Mahal, etc)


TRU - The overpriced Retail oUtlet (unless you have coupons, then it's great)

Kmart - The place you order drapes from

ED - Ed! either Ed1 or Ed2

Hotcakes - what you sell in the parking lot of your favorite retail outlet

"LEGO Shop at Home" - Lego Shop at Home (or TLC/TLG)

BH - Banhammer

HXC - The resident Hulk, do not make him angry.



Question: Why do people buy at Amazon/Target/Walmart when you can buy at LEGO Shop at Home?

Answer:  Some members buy dozens of a particular set and do not want to risk receiving the banhammer from LEGO Shop at Home


Numbers tend to be used for smaller sets, like the Batcave or Power Lex.

The Tumbler is just The Tumbler, because he's Batman.  You don't abbreviate Batman, unless you are Mark Hamill.




***Edit 2 - I missed a few but that will get your started, YMMV.

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I was surprised that the used sets sell nicely on Ebay, even with missing pieces. I try to build as much as possible and take as many pictures so people can see what they will get. So far, all good feedback!

For missing pieces you should check out bricklink since 100% complete sells for more.
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