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Showing content with the highest reputation on 01/16/2015 in Posts

  1. Another little thing to always check when you get a negative before leaving your response or calling ebay is the "feedback left for others" tab of the buyer. You would be surprised how many of these people have done this repeatedly. You will have a little more ammo in your call if the buyer has done it multiple times. I had one guy who had left 8 negatives out of his last 10 transactions. There was a trend and it helped the situation. You are allowed to leave that in the response as well if it happened. You can't leave it as there main feedback but as a response to yours is fine. If it was just a first time he did this a good response is below that fits in the allotted amount of characters. It shows how much you did for the buyer while showing you've never had issues with the product and they were still not happy which others will see as the person just being an a$$. Most of your buyers will actually leave overly positive comments when they see what someone did to you and reading a response like that. Sold over 50 w/o issue, sent 2 extras at no charge & $10 refund, still left neg.
    5 points
  2. Gavin's father reached out to me today. They are organizing a fund raiser to help pediatric patients at the local hospital. It will involve a LEGO build event with all sorts of activities for children and families, including Star Wars and Disney characters. Their foundation is called Gavin's Warriors and I am honored to be asked to volunteer. He also shared this picture of Gavin with his minifigure shelf. Helping Gavin was one of the highlights of the year for me in 2014. Thanks again to all my fellow Brickpickers who helped make it happen.
    4 points
  3. Two words: Parisian Restaurant
    3 points
  4. Seems a newish trend on ebay that the final agreed upon price is not actually the real final price for both auctions & fixed price listings... usually with a single email back to the seller you're gonna get at least a %20 partial refund almost automatically just to have you not post feedback (whether it's mentioned or not) it's the wild west there now so you just have to be prepared to deal with this as a seller - some low FB sellers or sellers with 100% +ve or TRS status will go so far as to give you a full refund & let you keep the item - so much FREE stuff on there available to anyone for the cost of a simple little non-threatening email... now it's actually to your advantage to have a few negatives (with professionally worded & passive rebuttals) as a seller so that the pilferers will know that you are not going to supply instant cashback or hushmoney at no risk/effort to them. just like "the club" from the 80's - it's no real security for your car but it's just enough to encourage the nasties to just try someone else.
    3 points
  5. At least he's tapping stuff rather than taping. ;)
    3 points
  6. Those butchered reindeer would sell well with the Hot Dog Stand and next year's Carousel.
    2 points
  7. I will be selling WV Butcher with the Raindeer from Santa's Workshop for 1 package deal
    2 points
  8. sauromosis posted an excellent pic of all the mod buildings. at least to me, it's pretty clear why many members think the pet shop is the boring one of the bench.
    2 points
  9. I dunno...when you're shipping boxes and stuff that's not exactly the best time to be tapping...could end up like these guys: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ABrSYqiqvzc
    2 points
  10. Build two of these tie fighters to accompany the 10175 in pursuit of the 10240.
    2 points
  11. Could you leave him feedback that states "Buyer likes to remove the clothes from dolls and examine their breasts"? Seems accurate by your account and makes him seem a little creepy, if anyone were to ever read it.
    2 points
  12. I'm with you. If any of you want to get out of your investment at the $20 buy-in, I'll help you unload them. I QFLL'd them for more than 3x RRP when they were TOOS. These will go for gold again. If you're impatient, then you are in the wrong game, because if you can't wait out a $20 set to double or triple it's value, there's no way you'll be patient enough for a Modular or SSD to double or triple it's value.
    2 points
  13. 2 points
  14. Ask and you shall receive. Available at Walmart. Mods please add aff link.
    2 points
  15. I'm surprised to see disappointment from those that hoarded these. Anyone in Southern California that want's to shed these like a bad exo-suit, give me a buzz. This set is absolute solid gold in my eyes. In the US, just the empty box can be sold for $12 shipped. Solid. Gold.
    2 points
  16. this time I didn't leave any for lil Tim
    2 points
  17. I bought quite a nice lot on my local craigslist
    2 points
  18. We just got "Rickrolled" in an Architecture topic. I didn't see that coming.
    2 points
  19. I didn't think 10179 needed any explanation. Or at least it shouldn't on this website;)
    2 points
  20. 1 point
  21. Tip of the week. Thank you.
    1 point
  22. If anyone is seeing these at that price and doesn't want them, please let me know. I am looking to get as many of these as possible to expand my personal train lines in my house. We can arrange a trade in BT/purchase in BC.
    1 point
  23. Bought three sets of Mixels series four and the box!
    1 point
  24. Hmmm..maybe I should just buy another fisherman to complete a third set.
    1 point
  25. It seemed like you could only get 2 full set per box in Series 3. Here is the write up and breakdown. Good luck http://www.eurobricks.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=50063
    1 point
  26. Here is a polybag possibly planned for the start of next year that has already been spotted at a Target here in the US. Source
    1 point
  27. I agree with this... their food section was a joke. It's funny, in my local paper there was obviously a lot of coverage in it with a number of quotes from the first Target Canada CEO. He lamented that people in Canada weren't accustomed to the "do all your shopping in one place" like American shoppers were. No wonder they didn't succeed here. People wanted a "Super Target" with a real grocery section, not some half-baked grocery section that stocks half as much of the exact same products and the same price as other stores. Walmart and Superstore kicked their sorry asses plain and simple. He also lamented about higher distribution costs, taxes, etc. If Walmart and Home Depot (I know, not the same market but an American company first) can be so successful up here then I can only say that the people who were responsible for bringing Target to Canada were just incompetent and not qualified. Target should have succeeded here.
    1 point
  28. Go to My Shop. One the left bar click Display Products. It open a drop down for "In Stock Products". Click on it to open the list of your items on the right window. Click the orange "Edit" button (under Action) EDIT by *JEFF* Adding Photo
    1 point
  29. Don't leave a negative for your buyer . You will only hurt your business in the process . Buyers are allowed to leave negatives even if you refunded in full and let them keep the item. That's the way it goes unfortunately . You can try to contact the buyer and ask for a removal or leave a professional but brief reply to his feedback .
    1 point
  30. http://www.walmart.ca/en/ip/lego-bricks-more-lego-lego-creative-tower-10664/6000189477534 Creative Tower online again this morning.. not sure how many are left! There are 2 to a Lego box.
    1 point
  31. Series 4 has been spotted in the wild at Target. Pic spotted on Toys ****** Bricks.
    1 point
  32. It doesn't sound removable. Someone can buy a LEGO set of a house, and leave a negative feedback stating that it was just a toy, and that there's no way that their family is gonna fit in the house.
    1 point
  33. Valenciaeric, if the "science adventures" set is released, and you resell your RI now, you'll kick yourself for a decade. https://ideas.lego.com/projects/83039 Just wait some more months before deciding to unload them. Very bad timing to unload them now IMHO, it's about now that they will raise again in value (internationally). About 30/35
    1 point
  34. Train value pack 66493 Blue freight train 60052
    1 point
  35. They are not numbered bags and there are smaller bags inside of the larger as usual. Try looking at eBay completed listings to see if you can find one that was new but opened with a pic of all the bags. I know this won't help unless you see a specific bag you think is missing:
    1 point
  36. 10 Creative suitcases waiting in my garage in individual boxes. 2 Red5's are waiting for me at Walmart for instore pickup. fingers crossed for decent boxes.
    1 point
  37. With all honesty, when a potential buyer clicks on the image to enlarge it, the image that appears is the best I have ever seen on any LEGO auction site. They are gorgeous. While the picture on the original listing page might be a little cropped or cut off, I would hope that the buyer would spend the extra 2 SECONDS to click on the picture to enlarge it. Many sellers have adapted to the photo requirements. How has Bricklink sold so many sets over the years with garbage photos? Besides eBay, none of these other sites have a large and beautiful image like ours. I am sure Jeff can tweak this with time, but for now, I would really like to see the buyers click on the images to enlarge them. Buyers need to see what they are buying. They also need to read the listing information as well. There should be some effort put into a listing from both parties.
    1 point
  38. How about when the entire line of Mixels is finally done they come out with the instructions for the super, duper, crazy, monster, mega, OMG mixel supreme! The mother of all mixels that eats tower bridges and rides the SSD like the silver surfer!
    1 point
  39. ^ Depends on you perspective.
    1 point
  40. 6 months ago would have been much better
    1 point
  41. Grand Emporium had Green Grocer on the back... TLC did not feel obligated to continue to produce Green Grocer though
    1 point
  42. i have a friend who thinks that the PC will be retired in 2015 randomly simply because of its 149$ price point. he thinks Lego wants to clear out the lower pricing point for the newer one (159$).
    1 point
  43. Everyone just sell off your 7965 stashes NOW !! Why punish yourselves by languishing in uncertainty :P
    1 point
  44. There's just really no way to talk about smooshing the Hot Dog Guy and not sounding completely immature, is there?
    1 point
  45. Another food cart?? Oh Olivia, just STOP already. Whatever happened to the old days when you were into robotics and stuff?
    1 point
  46. Lego 31026 Creator bike Shop and Cafe 8 unnumbered bags, two loose light bluish gray baseplates, and four manuals in the plastic sleeve.
    1 point
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