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Showing content with the highest reputation on 07/16/2014 in Posts

  1. Still banging the $150 drum by Christmas I see. Considering they're selling for around $80 at the moment I'd say doubling in five months sounds like a tall order.
    3 points
  2. I just want a big crane and wrecking ball, so I can complete my Miley Cyrus MOC.
    3 points
  3. http://www.bricklink.com/catalogItem.asp?S=7316-1 http://www.bricklink.com/catalogItem.asp?S=7312-1 Life on Mars is one of my favorite retired themes. I'm jealous of your finds! Main gun of the Y-Wing in 7152. http://www.bricklink.com/catalogItem.asp?S=7311-1 More pieces from the MTT http://www.bricklink.com/catalogItemIn.asp?itemType=P&itemNo=3034&in=S&v=1&oV=Y&colorID=6&srt=2&srtAsc=A:
    2 points
  4. Um, wrong forum/site? Which remote are you using to change channels? We have a similar setup, and use the Comcast remote to change channels (meaning the Smart TV is basically just taking the signal as an input). If we want to use the Smart TV functions (mine is a Vizio), I have to grab that remote to use those functions. Also, once you get coax into your digital box, you should be using HDMI from your box to the TV set. That's all that should be required, and then you're just putting your TV input on one of the HDMI inputs and you should be good to go.
    2 points
  5. Very nice craigslist score today. 11 sets for $75. All were in separate zip lock bags with instructions. Should be able to net over $100. 11sets total. Animal Hospital, Cafe, Beauty Shop, Tree House, Camper, Stables, Stephanie's Car, Science Lab, Design Studio, 4Wheeler, and the Outdoor Kitchen. All sets include the instruction book it came with and have been kept neatly in a zip loc bag as to not lose any pieces. We are also including the tool box in the price. A great way to store your Legos!
    2 points
  6. Next item for sale, seven Flashback Shredder polys.
    2 points
  7. While we are on box art, and manual art. Printing and fulfillment is my day job. Inventory SKU control for a multi-billion dollar company is a big deal. It does not mean updating artwork on a manual or box can't be done, if you want to it can be. But what you have to understand is the part # on the manual or box will change and you will have to pay your artistic staff to update it, your printing company for new proofs, and then the job is a revision and not a reprint so it all costs more. Then the SKU # changes and you have to put in a supercession trail for your manufacturing plants and then they have to have adjusted build orders. It may sound simple. It is not. You can hire staff to manage all the aspects and then do this. It is not a problem. The steps are many but they are straight forward in a good manufacturing and inventory control company. But is it worth it? I think not. That is on top of then people thinking they are getting different versions of sets and market confusion from box changes etc. If I was Lego, I would do exactly what they are doing.
    2 points
  8. The seller cancels the bids, which they are entitled too. The seller then ends the auction using "end auction early form" which includes the reason such as "no longer available. The seller should then tell you what time he will relist the item (although that is the way still within eBay) and then you buy it.
    1 point
  9. I agree, the seller has to end the auction and then relist it. He may tick off other people, typically not cool to do that when there are bids on something. But it can be done and take the heat of negative emotions. I do not do that, if it has a bid I let it play out. If they list an item for you, have them list it ridiculously high, like list a $100 lego set for $1,000 with a make offer. then you make the offer on what you would pay that you have agreed on and they accept. That helps guarantee that just you will get the deal. But I do not recommend him ending the auction and canceling.
    1 point
  10. The only option is for the seller to end the auction. The seller will have to pay final value fees on whatever the current highest bid is. They may also get dinged with a defect hit.
    1 point
  11. I doubt it because best offer is like a subfeature of BIN, and I don't think it is supported on auctions anyway. I'm pretty sure the only way is for the seller to cancel bids, up to him if he is willing to do that
    1 point
  12. depends on the current highest bid, and how much longer until the auction ends, it may not work. it's simple because even though the buyer put a agreed upon price, then the next second somebody else can bid on it
    1 point
  13. Idk if you can just add the buy it now option. You can just do that if u can.
    1 point
  14. I had a nude pair and a pair in a Lego carton from PA, then a pair from *** that shipped individually but were in Walmart cardboard boxes, if that helps. Haven't gotten any from CA.
    1 point
  15. http://www.bricklink.com/catalogItemInv.asp?S=3432-1
    1 point
  16. From what I can tell you have a TIE Fighter that was mentioned the other day, 7316 Excavation Searcher, and the 8018 AAT.
    1 point
  17. Hm. SW isn't your strong suit is it. Parts of an AT-AT: Part of the control center in the B-Wing set: Most of these parts are from the TIE Fighter listed in one of the older posts: 2000 SW MTT set: http://brickset.com/sets/7184-1/Trade-Federation-MTT. I think all the chunks are in that set except for the double doors: I'll post this first, the do a little more digging on the Castle stuff
    1 point
  18. Because they have 15-20 of them and are ready for the price to hit $200 each!
    1 point
  19. First LEGO exclusive set revealed. Hopefully there will be a Star Wars exclusive as well. http://m.us.wsj.com/briefly/BL-263B-1441
    1 point
  20. I have a local seller as well, complete good condition and manuals but no Box. Asking $500. Thinking I might pick it up for a flip.
    1 point
  21. on the TV remote select (TV) then upper right (input) then scroll down from the default TV setting to your actual input and see if that works. Oh and do what Nolan said and get a HDMI cable but not from Best Buy amazon has great prices.
    1 point
  22. well, this obviously requires proper pop-culture reference...
    1 point
  23. Bought 79108 for 6.01 after tax, but had a free $5 gc. Also found a bunch of SW 30242 polybags @ .87 each
    1 point
  24. Not really...Let me know when the Live Star retires. Off topic...Welcome to the site, Perijove.
    1 point
  25. Got an "In stock notification" from TRU at 2:09am. I was asleep. Went now to check and it wasn't available. I wonder how many they had or if it was just a system burp? From ToysRUs Tue Jul 15 23:09:25 2014 Dear Valued Customer: Good News! In response to your request, we are pleased to inform you that the following item is back in stock and available for purchase online: Item: 31225306 Description: LEGO Cuusoo Mars Curiosity Rover (21104) To order this item, simply click here or call our Guest Service Team at 1-800-TOYSRUS (869-7787). Please note, due to high demand of this item, we cannot guarantee availability. In addition, previous sale prices or promotions may not be available. Thank you again and hurry back soon to see what
    1 point
  26. Yes I think you are right - I was a bit disappointed as cover states "Your guide to starting and building your own custom lego town" so it is a little misleading However, overall I was very happy with the magazine and will definitely be subscribing
    1 point
  27. I'm in UK so have a copy of the first mag they piloted. I did enjoy it overall, though did find the title of the modular article misleading, as although I was expecting a guide to how you can create and build your own street etc, it was basically just a description of the modular sets available past and present, and touched on how you could link them together in whatever order you wanted.... don't know if others who have read it agree with that statement?
    1 point
  28. 2 Batcaves, 2 Pirate Ambushes, 2 Knowhere Escapes, 2 Mirkwood Armies, 2 X-Men and 2 deloreans. Damn Amazon....
    1 point
  29. Your definition of "cheap" is very different from mine.
    1 point
  30. I know where you can get 3 cheap ;)
    1 point
  31. Sorry if someone already posted this but it's now showing " Call to check product availability". Sent from my Unknown using Brickpicker mobile app
    1 point
  32. I can provide an excellent example of this. I'm in LA and saw a "Retiring Soon" placard on FB at a local Lego store early in the set's EOL spiral. Put on notice, I ordered a couple from Target.com using my Red Card. Within the hour I discovered that I could get a discount on three sets from a local contact, so I canceled the Target order, uncertain that I wanted to go all-in on the set. My contact failed and I only got one, so I rushed back to Target.com only to discover that they'd bumped it to $250 overnight. Literally. Sure enough, it soon disappeared from all retailers and got the "Retired Product" tag on LEGO Shop at Home. [shakes fist at the sky.] I agree that the past doesn't allow us to predict the future, but we're not dealing with absolutes
    1 point
  33. Looks like someone is having fun with 10173 before it's complete. It's great to be a child. Choo choo Who needs Thomas when we have Lego! Sent from an iPhone using the Brickpicker app
    1 point
  34. Some dude in the Daily Deals thread bought them all.
    1 point
  35. Eating and driving car are overrated
    1 point
  36. If Tabbyboy is right and it hits a measly
    1 point
  37. A reason why is that no one actually know what the code means. We know it corresponds to an arbitrary date. What we don't know is what the date tells us. Is it a shipping date, an"off the assembly line" date, a planned market order date, an organization date used by LEGO. If we knew for a fact from LEGO that it meant the week the item came from the mold that might tell us something. It could be returns from retailers that are re-boxed. Walmart told me they do not keep that damaged items they send them back to LEGO. If that is true where do they go? Are they checked, re-boxed, re-labeled and then shipped out for sale again. The labels area good but more information is needed to determine what it actually means to LEGO themselves. We will know in the next 6 months if this one is sticking around. I do not believe it is. either way that should not have much bearing on people adding positions. It has been a gift to add for those people that sat on the sidelines. If someones investing plan is investing in Modular s that are closest to retirement then it really does not matter if that retirement is now or in 6 months.
    1 point
  38. You could probably MOC a good " drifting space junk" display out of the lot.
    1 point
  39. Tender : Sent from an iPhone using the Brickpicker app
    1 point
  40. While I wait for book 2, here are pics of book 1. Notice now difficult it can be distinguishing darker elements from each other. That is why the PDF version is nearly impossible to build from unless the majority of the elements in steps are lighter to medium colors. Not the best condition... Sent from an iPhone using the Brickpicker app
    1 point
  41. Welcome. I lived in Santa Barbara for a few years back at the turn of the century. Family was in SoCal, so we had to pass through Oxnard every few weeks when we went to visit them. I always remember Oxnard as the last place we could stop at Walmart, Costco, or Rubios before hitting Santa Barbara.
    1 point
  42. LOVE Band of Brothers! I watch this series at least once a year and it never gets old. I am not ashamed to say that the real interviews make me tear up. I told my wife that only two types of movies can make a guy cry. Sports (Brian's Song) and war movies. The best part of the show is at the end of the last episode they tell you who the interviewees are. Which is one of the reasons I have watched so many times is that you can start seeing the interviews and picturing that person in the show. It is a must watch for anyone. When I heard that Major Winters died early 2011 it made me sad.
    1 point
  43. For the past few days I have been watching Band of Brothers miniseries on Amazon Prime. This halluva 10 episodes show was wonderfully written, acted, and directed. It told a story of men in Easy company, a part of 506th parachute infantry regiment from training through their participation in WWII. Since it was a miniseries, it had the opportunity to depict the combats and war related scenarios from various point of views, from the Commanding Officer, Staff Sergeants, Private, and even the Medic. It showed the war as it was, very realistic, without glorifying it in any way. It was a great potrayal of how these men became as close as they were through shared experience and traumas. The look and feel seemed to be accurate to the era (not that I am an expert). It had a lot of explosions and gun shootings per the subject matter, some swearings, and almost no nudity. Btw, it was produced by Tom Hanks and Steven Spielberg. Highly recommended http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1wlYPlwjGOY
    1 point
  44. Yep... Cannot wait for Hobbit set reveals!!!!
    1 point
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