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Showing content with the highest reputation on 06/05/2013 in Posts

  1. Well, looks like some of you like my info and some don't, I am a easy going guy so what you think of my Post its OK with me, there have been thousands of rumors floating around, But the info I got well 6 months ago I said a new big X-wing and big Ewock village was coming and most didn't believe me, and I gave you guys info on whats retiring from the Wholesale Form that my buddy sent me, so he says the memo says at least SSDS,Tower Bridge and Fire Brigade are done, Death Star has 2014 next to it, which sucks. The 10220 Volkswagen had a ? mark next to it, and the Haunted House was scratched out "Whatever that means" now there is 6 months to the end of the year and anything can happen.But I figured you guys might like the hint that these should be retiring, instead of hearing about it in October and most of you are broke and then really can't stock up on a few of these sets. Even now just save your money and hope some sales pop up on these, Hopefully Black Friday have the SSDS for $275. But I think the SSDS and the Tower Bridge will do very well after Retiring. The Sets I am buying are the. 1-haunted House 2-Tower Bridge 3-SSDS only if it goes on sale 4-SW Falcon "retiring" 5-FRigate "retiring 6-Nijango "Nijango Epic battle" Retiring I am done buy VC and Helm's Deep have to many now. 7-Volkswagen Camper 10220 8-Friends Olivia's House & Summer Riding Camp 9-No Hurry for the batman arkham Asylm, its out until 2015 So go back and bash the post or maybe some will hope its right Ed
    9 points
  2. I am not saying they are retiring these sets right now, I am sure they will be around for the Holidays, as most sets do retire at the end of the year, The main idea of this post is to don't wait to the last minute and try and get the SSDS and Tower Bridge, and I am sure there are likely to be a few other sets retiring. Unless you have tons of money or some coupons I wouldn't buy any of these sets yet.
    4 points
  3. I always try and give you guys the lastest scoope on anything I hear, My friend thats gives me this info along with that 2013 wholesale order form told me the SSDS, Tower Bridge, Fire Brigade are retiring. And there is a chance the Haunted House is done also, but not 100% Confirmed yet. "And with the new Summer 2013 Catalog that just came in the mail today, Well that about confirms it. The SSDS,Tower Bridge, and Fire Brigade are not listed.So if you don't have any Tower Bridges & SSDS I would not wait forever, Hopefully Lego will have a SSDS Black Friday Sale cheap, but as me and my son both got a catalog with a 10% Coupon I will be going to the Lego store in a few days and get 2 more Tower Bridges,plus I have 2 20% Coupons to use with it, I am waiting for a sale for more SSDS, and these will be big bucks in a few years, and i have plenty Fire Brigade's. And all you guys that wished you would of gotten alot of the Dubai, Statue of Liberty, Eiffel Tower's etc sets well don't screw up on the Tower Bridge. A well Known landmark will do very very well. "And about the Haunted House Retiring, well I am buying one or 2 a month, so in case in goes all of a sudden I will have plenty, I also have 13 SSDS, 21 Tower Bridge's, 17 Fire Brigades. "AND THE B-WING IS IN THE SUMMER CATALOG, AND MY FRIEND ALSO SAID THE DEATH STAR IS HEAR FOR ANOTHER YEAR." Still 6 months in the year and anything can change but this is the latest scoop. Ed
    3 points
  4. Unless you have an actual store, and are willing to spend a good $15,000 and more and carry 75% of the Lego Themes all small sets included. and you need a Retail sales License that cost about $2,00 plus you have to pay the State sales tax every quarter on your sales, And you can only order the normal regular lego sets that you see in Target, Walmart,Ant Toys R Us, "NO HARD TO FIND AND EXCLUSIVES are not elgible to Buy" In Another words Its a Bust, 2 years ago you could order 20 cases of harry Potter 4842 castles, 20 cases Black Pearl's etc, but those good old days are going. "Now here is a good example take Entertainment Earth, the site that had Buy one get one 50% off, I have an account with them to, had it for 5 years, they are in the same boat thats one reason they had that sale, and they are breaking even or making maybe $5.00 a set, plus they are trying to get rid of all there small sets that nobody wants and they can't sell on Ebay right now or there are selling dirt cheap they use to just order the big sets before to, but no more. And to buy Wholesale from them is a real joke, Amazon is way cheaper." And to be able to carry the Hard to Find Exclusive sets you have to be Amazon, target, walmart, Toys R Us,and a few other outlets that have to order a few hundred grand worth a lego. Sideshow started selling Lego last year they were only going to handle the big $80 and up sets, but when lego told them they had to do the 75% Of there Themes small sets included, they basicially told Lego no deal, Sideshow got the few sets that they did get from somebody else. So anybody that's buying Lego well just get the deals whenever you see them, as for buying Lego Wholesale forget it, its 99% impossible now.
    3 points
  5. I think you just summed up the point you were originally trying to make perfectly.
    2 points
  6. With all due respect, Damnation666, Emazers has provided far more useful information than you have. While EOL dates might not be as useful as deal details, EOL dates are still useful. If you come across great deals on amazon, walmart, kmart, etc., please do post them. Again, Emazers has provided far more useful information than you have. Knocking members who have consistently provided good advice (e.***., Emazers) is unwarranted.
    2 points
  7. Hi, my name is Sean and as a kid as many of you Lego was my main toy from the ages of about 3-14, I started off with space lego and each Christmas / birthday or treat I would always opt for lego. I had a break from it when I was about 8 - 10 and played with some technic for a while but then got back into space when the M tron sets and also the space police sets came onto the market. Alas it all went into the loft in a box at my parents with the view of handing it down to my kids at some point but that never happened as there was a lack of kids! They recently bought it round to me and I have steadily built around 56 space lego sets over the last few weeks with a view to selling them all. These are all classic 1983 - 1994 sets and by the looks of things on this site some rarer larger sets (3 space stations for instance) I am new to the forum but wanted to see firstly what is the best way to sell them (I am an ebay seller but have lost interest with them due to the terrible fees they charge and also their sister company Paypal) or if anyone on here would be interested in buying them? They are all with instructions (sadly no boxes) and as i've built them there have been a few sets that have the odd missing part here and there (but no obscure missing parts), I will list the whole lot with lego ident numbers and I will also be taking a nice group shot of them (mainly for my memories!!) and also individual pictures of each of them with instructions. I also have many base plates and also the crater plates and it really is a nice collection. I was surprised at how well the bricks still went together and I feel all is in great condition for the age. Any advice on the selling of these is greatly appreciated. I would like to think they can go to a collector that will look after them and of course im trying to get a good amount back for them as quite honestly I need the money. I will be doing the same with the technic once I have finished with the space lego Thanks Sean
    1 point
  8. Hey all I was going to purchase a lego set as an investment which was the 3433 NBA set, however all the pieces werent guarneteed to be with the set and I would have had to purchase the in order to find out. I only asked as it would have cost me
    1 point
  9. I did watch the 80's one - Ewoks: The battle for Endor...
    1 point
  10. I take it you mean this? http://www.amazon.co.uk/s/ref=nb_sb_ss_i_3_10?url=search-alias%3Daps&field-keywords=lego+collector+guide&sprefix=lego+colle%2Caps%2C206 I bought this last year. I find it very good for identifying older sets, mainly from the 70 & 80s. Its a good guide to have but i debate the accuracy of the availability of the later sets. For example it says 10193 & 10197 were "only" available in 2009. 10193 went EOL in 2012 & good 'ole 10197 is still with us... and with us... and with us. It does have a scarcity rating of 6 stars. 6 stars being very rare and 1 widely available. But I do not know what they are basing it on.
    1 point
  11. I say stock up on battle of Endor. They are still fairly cheap as far as above retail and once the village hits people will find the bunker a necessity
    1 point
  12. Yes they do. There's still some money to be made. Just the margin. So flipping is not ideal locally unless u have other sources which I mentioned in my earlier posts. We can totally forget about doing international sale. Well, almost... For the 10212 Imperial Shuttle, one of my fav sets, the eBay asking rate for a MISB set is between 525 and 1000(??!!!) depending on box condition. The local RRP before it went EOL was $499.90.
    1 point
  13. I wasn't bashing your post. If you thought so, my apologies. The point I was trying to make was that EOL dates are overrated. You, yourself, has bought multiples of these sets months or years ago at discounted prices, way ahead of EOL, so that tells me that to an experienced reseller like yourself, the buying price is more important than the set going EOL. Your information is more of a warning to people to get on the ball and buy the set now or lose out and I understand this. Thanks for your time.
    1 point
  14. Lol, you might be on to something. Some people think we don't impact the market, but then you see these big sets sell out in minutes every time they go on sale.
    1 point
  15. Just to add an award inspired by Stephen. Name: Box Snob Description: Members that are nitpicky about box condition and/or must have a perfectly mint conditioned box. Icon: Looks like a shiny brand new box sitting atop a pillar.
    1 point
  16. It might be too late to get a good price for them because they are already alot on eBay. I would just stash them away for a long while, they will go up in price.
    1 point
  17. hey Ed I believe everything you say and I appreciate all the info you share with us. as someone said in another post you are like the Gandalf or Yoda of this site. much appreciated. thanks again.
    1 point
  18. Now all we need is a member named Vohaul!
    1 point
  19. Good to be here. Thanks for the warm welcome all! Hah! Nice catch. I'm a big Space Quest fan. :)
    1 point
  20. 1 point
  21. The log-in thing is a bug, Jeff says it'll be fixed soon The new set guide page is really sweet, Ed. Medians, means, and modes, oh my! And the reviews are right there, very cool. Well done. Now if only you could persuade ebay sellers to stop listing partial sets as new :)
    1 point
  22. I'd gladly bet on trying to get a discount on a set that shows or is near EOL, and as late as possible before they completely disappear from retail shelves, as opposed to stocking up on a new discounted set that likely has 2 years before EOL. Glad I waited on the Technic Motorized Excavator when they were $140 each from TRU. Although it was almost a month later that they all began disappearing, which I would have no qualms picking up at retail price, it was a guarantee gain in the shortest amount of time.
    1 point
  23. I can see it now, 10 years from now ill be sitting with a psychologist... Telling him the reason im an alcoholic and why i beat my children is because my anakin skywalker lego mini figure had the look of evil on his face and it disturbed me as a young boy... i think he would send me to a mental hospital
    1 point
  24. Darth Raichu, where's that badass Raichu avatar you used to have?
    1 point
  25. You can use firestarter if you want, you just have to pay me royalties. I accept polybags.
    1 point
  26. Thanks for the info Ed. I'm not shocked to see any of these sets finally hitting retirement, it's been a long time for all of them. Any word on the Sopwith Camel, GE, VW Camper, or Pet Shop? Every investor has to craft his or her own strategy. This forum is very useful for sharing information, but in the end we all have to go our own way and decide what our particular risk tolerances are. Just like in every other investment I, for one, will try to pick up a few more of each of these sets over the next few weeks since I think even at full retail all three will return well above the Lego market average in the next few months. I will not, however, be panic buying every SSD/Tower Bridge/etc. I can lay my hands on. They're all big and bulky, and I'm not totally convinced that I'll see a significantly better return on any of them then I will on HDs/VCs which I'm finding in abundance on clearance locally. I just want a few of each in my portfolio in case one of them happens to be the next big hit down the road. That's my strategy, it may not work for everyone but even I don't have unlimited money and space to devote to this investment...
    1 point
  27. I will (almost) always buy Exclusives if they are discounted significantly. To damnation's point, if Palace Cinema were to be discounted tomorrow at $120, I would purchase two. If I saw the the Police Station with a discount, I would likely pass. Non-exclusives are, for the most part, easier to get on BOGO or discounted on Amazon.
    1 point
  28. While many LEGO sets will go on sale multiple times, many sets do not and of those, a lot are discounted early in their retail life cycle. EOL dates are important to people with limited funds and/or space for the most part. To someone like myself, I will look for the best deal then pull the trigger, regardless of EOL dates or speculation. In my mind, I win at this game if I can buy a set well below MSRP, but my method does not work for everyone. emazers information is welcome and interesting, but as others have stated, there are other factors that might be more important depending on your investment strategy. As I always stated, there are many, many ways to make money in LEGO investing...both short and long term.
    1 point
  29. This is not about emazers. This is about EOL dates and buying sets way before EOL dates at a discount. Many here will pass on a great deal because a set is not near EOL. You are blinded by EOL dates. All I'm saying is that there are other factors that are more important than EOL dates. I feel very confident in my choices a year ago in buying the SSDs and Tower Bridges at a discount. If the sets are not discounted again, then I made a wise choice. If they are, then maybe I could have put the money to work elsewhere. See my point? The EOL date will not cause me to lose 25% of my investment, only LEGO, Amazon or another retailer discounting a set could do that.
    1 point
  30. What's the big deal about knowing EOL anyway? Shouldn't many of you already have invested in these sets that are nearing EOL instead of running around like chickens with no heads at the thought of it? As experienced Lego investors, you all know that every set is going to be retired, it's just a matter of whether or not it will appreciate enough to make you a profit. I can see i t now, many of you rushing out to pay $400 for a SSD when it sold for $300 a year ago or a Tower Bridge for $240 when they were available at $180 about the same time period.
    1 point
  31. Most Handsome- for members named diabolos80
    1 point
  32. New award idea: Blasphemer- for members who doubt emazers lol
    1 point
  33. I think most regular readers on this board would agree that things that emazers posts about EOL's is a little more than just a guess.
    1 point
  34. PoketheMackbros for members who irate either Jeff or Ed Groundhogday for members who ask the same question over and over KeepItPithy for members who like to write one liners MrChuckNorris for members who repeat similar lame jokes over and over Lalalala for member with the most posts in "musical picks" thread (notice I did not put an s at the end of member) Daywalker / Nightwalker for members who mostly active during day/night time in their regions SpiderSense for members with accurate EOL predictions
    1 point
  35. It makes sense if someone is getting belligerent and mods want to punish, but I see major issues with disciplining people like this if they are conducting a calm, valid debate or disagreement. I might say I love the Atlantis theme, for example, and my post gets downvoted because many others don't. Should I lose brickpoints for that? Its somewhat of a slippery slope.
    1 point
  36. Hey Welcome man! Dark ages are always a pain haha. I'll second Stephens question, are you military or a huge fan of Space Quest?
    1 point
  37. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cDGlN6mluGA
    1 point
  38. I agree, the rare colors make these sets quite valuable, in the friends box, they look like girly colors, but used in the right way, they can add a lot to many other MOC's.
    1 point
  39. They post them on S@H too, but so far I don't see the new one uploaded. http://shop.lego.com/en-US/ByCatalog
    1 point
  40. Don't read this the wrong way, but we should all start using the green "up" arrows as a way of saying "thanks" or that we agree with someone. I forget to do it sometimes myself, but the sooner we all start using those, the more streamlined the forum and conversations will become Plus, by using them you will be also "rewarding" members for answering questions or posting something interesting, as I think Ed and Jeff will be awarding Brickpoints based on that too. Again not directed at anyone specifically ;)
    1 point
  41. Unless you hate the sets like me...
    1 point
  42. More like Hard to Find = Pay Higher Price
    1 point
  43. Confirming EOL off the catalog is a waste of time. Not to poop on anything emazers said, it is really just common sense that these sets are getting retired. Every Lego set gets retired with the exception of the 10188, so how hard is it to take a guess about retirement dates?
    0 points
  44. I'm not knocking emazers and his info. It might be true. Maybe not. My issue is with some members thinking they just received the Golden keys to the Kingdom. EOL data is the least important factor when making money at Lego investing. Taking the 10188 out of the equation, the EOL of Lego sets is very predictable for most sets. People will benefit more from Joe Schmo posting a great deal from a retailer like Amazon than speculating about EOL dates.
    -1 points
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